Part 19

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I walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind me. It was really steamy from the hot water. I looked around to see the jumper that I wanted on the floor along with other clothes.
Andy:"Did you just throw the clothes that were on the toilet, on the floor?" I asked Rye.
Rye:"Yeah I needed to use the toilet."
Andy:"Well you could've just put them on the counter, you idiot. Now they're all wet from the steamy floor."
Rye:"Oops." he said lazily. I could hear a tease behind his voice. He loved that I was annoyed.
I made an annoyed face as I tried not to smile.
I picked up my jumper and the other clothes and put them on the counter.
Rye:"Will you pass me a towel?" he asked from inside the bath as I heard the water turning off.
I tried getting the towel but it was underneath the clothes that I just put on the counter, so when I pulled the towel, everything fell on the floor. I rolled my eyes and leaned down to pick everything up. I reached for the towel on the floor and then saw Rye's feet walking towards me. I straightened back up, his towel was in my hand, along with the other clothes. My mouth was open at the sight of him just standing there naked, barely covering his dick with his hand. I was just really surprised, I think, or maybe more than surprised. I don't know what I was thinking about. All I knew is that my ex boyfriend is naked and the water dripping down his abbs along with the steam floating in the room, didn't help me think straight.
He reached his hand to take the towel from me.
Andy:"Rye." I said trying to make him understand that its not alright that he's just naked in front of me.
Rye:"What?" he looked down at his body pretending not to understand what I was 'annoyed' about.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
Rye:"Nothing you haven't seen before." he teased whilst smirking at me and drying his body with the towel.
Took me a second but I jumped back into reality and got out of the bathroom with my jumper and my still messy hair.
I leaned on the bathroom door for a second to take a breath and process what just
I walked back to my room and then realized that I didn't fix my hair, but I didn't care.
I felt so confused and just wanted to leave the house. I changed my shirt and left.
I took an uber to Olivers house, quickly. I knock on his door and as soon as he opens it I lock our lips together, not giving him a chance say hi. And I start to kiss him roughly. I hold his neck making it harder for him to back away from the kiss.
Oliver:"Andy." he barely says between the kisses.
Andy:"Yeah?" I stopped to take a breath.
Oliver:"What is this for?"
I let go of him and went inside the house and leaned against the wall. I pulled him to lean against me, our bodies touching. I start kissing his neck.
Andy:"Lets have sex. I wanna have sex with you." I said and didn't look into his eyes whilst I sad the word 'you'.
Oliver smiled at me without saying anything and kissed me.
I jumped on his waist and he led us to his bedroom.
I laid down on the bed and he started nibbling on my skin, leaving marks.
He took both of our clothes off and before I knew it we were having sex.
I've waited for this moment for a month but for some reason I didn't feel like it was what I wanted anymore.
All I could think about was Rye.

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