Part 17

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*Rye's POV*
I was in the flat when Sophia entered my room unexpectedly.
Sophia:"Mikey let me in." She looked at me as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.
I didn't say anything. She walked towards my bed that I was laying on and leaned down to kiss me but I looked down to my computer which was on my legs.
Sophia:"Ok whats your problem?" She asked confused and almost mad.
Rye:"Dont have a problem." I replied, still looking down at my laptop.
She was pretty mad by now, she closed my computer and put in on the bed next to my legs and sat down on the bed infront of me, feet on the floor.
Sophia:"Rye, we've been dating for two months now and we barely talked this last month. I feel like you don't want this anymore."
I didn't respond.
Sophia:"If you wanna break up with me then just do it."
Rye:"I feel like you're making it sound like its my fault."
Sophia:"Well you're the one who hasn't been paying attention to me the past month. Ever since that Oliver guy came into your life, its like you've been distracted by something."
Rye:"Well you've been distracted by someone as well, so its not all my fault."
She looked confused.
Sophia:"What are you talking about?" She asked.
Rye:" flirted with him, didn't you?"
She didn't say anything. She just looked at me.
Sophia:"So he told you?"
Rye:"What did you expect? Him to flirt back? He's my best mate. I bet its not the only time you flirted with other guys."
I wanted to tell her that I felt like she was cheating on me but then I remembered that I kissed Andy so I left that thought to myself.
Sophia:"Yes I did flirt a couple of time but that's all I did. I promise. Brook was just really nice to me, like always. I did love you Rye... But we are just so distant and it made me feel bad. Thats the reason I did it. So I'm gonna break up with you, because I know that you don't have the heart to break up with me and you don't want to be the bad guy in front of your friends. And I'm doing this because I know that you're a good guy and I want you to be happy."
She explained and touched my leg lightly.
I looked at her and she continued.
Sophia:"And I know that you aren't hurt by the fact that I flirted with your friend. Its just a reason for us to break up and you use that to hide you feelings for Andy."
Rye:"What?" I lifted my head up quickly in confusion.
Rye:"I don't have feelings for Andy."
Sophia:"Rye... I'm not dumb. If you're gonna break up with me at least don't lie to my face."
She smiled.
I smiled back knowing that I cant lie to her, because somehow she knew me really well.
Rye:"Doesn't matter. He has Oliver and he loves him." I said in a soft voice.
Sophia:"Oh please." she laughed lightly.
Sophia:"We both know that the moment you try to get Andy back, you'll do it. You two are just meant for each other, in it?"
Rye:"Sorry if I ever made you feel bad about yourself or that I didn't love you.. I honestly did."I said and went in for a hug.
Sophia:"Sometimes you love two people at the same time but you always love one of them more." she said that close to my ear as we hugged.

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