Chapter 2: the storm

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Ellie's POV: I sighed and threw my pillow at my window, there was a lot of rain going on, then, suddenly. A big bolt of lighting struck the tree, on the other side of the road. I sat up, and moved my desk to the other side, I opened the window and sighed. "in the skies stars are bright
May the moon, silvery beams, bring you with dreams
Close you eyes, now and rest, may these hours be blessed
Till the sky's bright with dawn, when you wake with a yawn" I sang. I heard a yawn, scared I pushed my desk back and I ducked into my bed, like the bolt of lightning, tiredness struck me like the tree.

I woke up and I slapped my alarm clock, I yawned and stretched, my phone rang, it was my best friend grace!. I answered quickly.
Bold: grade
Normal: Ellie
Heya Ellie!
Hola grace!
How's the house?
You sure?
Yes grace, your not my mum ugh!
For real girl?
Sooooo, school today?
Sadly, yeah
Umm one, ow, two, I'm not interested in them, I just wanna do school and get out
Alright alright (Gracie! Breakfast!) coming mum! Bye Elizabeth Adams
And farewell to you grace karoma
Gracie 👯💘 has ended the call.
I sighed, "Ellie! Breakfast sweetheart!" My mum yelled, I put my warm feet on the cold floor, I shuddered immediately. I noticed a piece of paper under my closet door, I picked it up, it read:

I'm sorry I scared you last night,
I'm still getting used to you living here,
You don't know who I am, but I know Greta, she was never nice. Signed.

I grabbed my phone and called Greta,

Bold: Greta
Normal: Ellie
Yeah Ellie?
W-who's BH?
B, H? Never heard of them,
K, bye Greta,
Bye Ellie.

No point in lying, I'm a little bit freaked out, I walked over to the box I forgot to unpack. I brought out a doll, I named her Elizabeth, like me, she's beautiful. She has brown hair and brown eyes like me, she wears a blue shirt and she has red shorts. The only thing about her is, her skin is a dark grey, and she has a Red Devil's tail, that's the only thing about her that's different from me. I heard knocking in the closet behind me, I tip-toed over to the door, and jerked it open, the closet was a way to the attic.

I looked down, I noticed a note on the floor, a list of, rules?

(Cringy fic I wrote when I Was 11)Where stories live. Discover now