Chapter 5: Shopping

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The ball had rang, everyone started getting their stuff.

I've met three more people, Tyler, who has brown hair and blue eyes, Joe, who has brown hair and brown eyes, and Ben, who has blonde hair and green eyes.

Ive also been told that it's strange that I only remember hair and eye colours.

We all sat on a table outside the school, Alexandria and I sitting farther from everyone else.

"Why are all your friends guys?" Cue me regretting saying that.
"Less drama, also they're better than gals" she shrugged.

We all began talking and laughing, but of course, good things must come to an end.

My mums car rode up, she got out the car, and even through her sunglasses, I could feel her glare.

"See ya Alexandria" I mumbled and grabbed my backpack, she looked at my mum, then at me.
"Ok, see ya Ellie!" She pulled me into a hug, the guys stood up and joined in on it.

I got back to the car, giggling the entire way.

I sat down and closed my door, my mother did the same, she took off her sunglasses and looked at me.

"Have you been talking to yourself again?" She asked, as she put the keys into the ignition(?)
"No, why do you ask?" I put my seatbelt on and got my phone out my backpack.

"Well how else do I explain the notes in your room?" I felt the colour drain from my face.
"Mum, I'm not talking to myself, it's just..." I went round and round what answers I could use for this.

"Well?" Her hands gripped the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turn white.
"I-It's for an online horror thing! Y-Yeah! I pretend I move into T-T-This big scary house, and I'm finding W-Weird notes!" I began to twitch

She sighed, "Tell me your plans BEFORE you make them, you had me really worried there" my heart returned to its normal pace.

She poured the blue powder into a bottle of water and gave me it.

"Here, you're getting pretty bad right now" I gripped onto my seat, to stop me from punching the car.

When the twitching doesn't stop, I get violent.

I drank it, I didn't care how bad it tasted, if I got anymore violent I was probably gonna make us crash.

When the twitching ceased, that's when I began to gag.

"The aftertaste is so- Oh my god!" I wiped my tongue on my sleeve.
"Oh my god, Ellie you're gonna ruin your new jumper" my mum groaned.


She's taken me to a shop, not just any shop, a dress shop!

First of all: I HATE dresses!

I put my headphones in, And put on 'I'll be good', the only song on my new phone... well that and every single twenty one pilots album.

"I don't get why you hate dresses" my mum mumbled (Heheh, mum-mumbled- I'm annoying I'll stop)
"Mum, please, why are we even here?" I groaned.

"Fine, your father is having a dinner party tonight, I want you to look your best" I crossed my arms.
"I'm not gonna look my best if I have tears running down my face cause of a dress, now, am I?" I began raising my voice, she looked genuinely shocked by my sudden loudness(?)

"Alright, there are shirts and trousers over there, but they're for boys-" I didn't even let her finish her sentence, I was already looking through all the normal comfortable clothes.

I was flipping through the racks, until, I found a shirt that I actually loved.
Not liked.
I loved it.
A plain white sleeved shirt, with yellow buttons, and parts of grey around the neck.

Getting the normal black trousers and shoes, I returned to my mother.

"Thoughts?" I asked, and held the clothes, she eyed them up and down.
She sighed, "if it stops you being a sarcastic child, fine" she shrugged, I smiled.

We were a pretty rich family, but I wasn't spoiled, I got what I wanted, of course, within reason.


Getting back in the car, my mum closed the doors and looked at me.
"Listen, Ellie, there's gonna be a man over tonight, his name is Cole, he's very very strange, don't try and hug up to him like you do with your fathers usual guests" I raised an eyebrow at this.
"W-What do you mean he's 'Very very strange'?" She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Just, just don't talk to him, or look at him, we'll blame it on your 'Thing', ok?" I nodded, not really knowing what she meant, I guess I'll not talk.

(Cringy fic I wrote when I Was 11)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz