Chapter 8: Medicate

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Really long chapter, sorry.


Again, woken up to the sound of my phones alarm.

Stressed out, played as I tried to open my eyes, failing as they kept closing by themselves.

"If we don't wake up I'm gonna smack us" I said to myself, pinching the bridge of my nose, my eyes finally opening all the way, turning off the phone, I put my feet on the cold floor, I really need to get used to this.

I saw a note on my bedside table, picking it up, it read.

'Hi baby! I'm so sorry, but, your father and I, went out for breakfast, we'll be back soon!'

I groaned loudly, great, home alone in this stupid place, and above all that a possible demon in my closet, fun childhood memories.

I slipped my uniform on as fast as I could, someone had put them on top of the heater, so they were warm.

"Good morning BH" I yawned, stretching my legs.

I heard a tap on the closet door in response.

I walked downstairs, and into the kitchen, my breakfast was already there waiting for me, my favourite as well.

Cheese on toast.

You heard me, cheese on toast, the simplest thing to make, but it's my favourite, next to it was my medicine.

I drank about half of it, and then I started to gag, to give you an example of what this tastes like, imagine drinking fairy liquid (dish soap) then eating a lot of garlic, and burping it back up, that's what it tastes like.

I ate my breakfast, and looked at the time, only 8 o'clock, I shouldn't be rushing to school.

Wait. How am I gonna get to school?
Taxi's refuse to drive to this part of the country, half an hour drive, a possible full hour walk...

"BH! I gotta rush off to school! Take care of the place when I'm gone!" I yelled up the stairs.

The situation has hit me a lot of times, I'm talking to this thing, I don't know what it is, but I'm talking to it, it stabbed Cole, but it protected me, but it could try and stab my family, but if so, why didn't it stab me when it had the chance? Blame it on Cole?

Shaking my head, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

I began running as fast as I could, this was a strict school, I didn't want to see what would happen if I was late.

Since Greta was here, over 4 years ago, they had expanded the village, more houses, more shops, and a better school.


Over 10 minutes of running, and I began passing more houses, my eye twitched, that's when it hit me.

I hadn't finished my medicine.

I've went without medicine once, I never even noticed, but when my cousin annoyed me, I still feel sorry for her.

Poor thing, I was 12, she was 11, she had told me that I was nothing, that compared to her, and my parents, I was rot.
I kicked her out the treehouse, and if that wasn't enough, I had jumped out on top of her.
Hospital for 3 weeks.
I told them it was an accident, that we were playing and she pulled me with her.
She's still scared of me after that. Serves her right-


I had stopped running when I saw the shop, 8:38, I had enough time, I began panting, I had ran for half an hour.

My phone rang, it was Greta.

"Hey El! How's it going?" She asked, I began walking.
"It's going alright, house is ok, I made some friends at school as well" I smiled, she hummed in response.

"I heard what Cole did, need me to come over and teach him a lesson?" I could practically hear the smile in her voice.
"Nah, I got it covered, I got my demon pal" I chuckled, she went silent.

"What do you mean, by that?" She asked, her tone going serious.
"Oh, t-that's just what I call myself without my medicine, stupid I know, but I stuck porcelain into his cheek, so that was fun" I hoped my lie wasn't too noticeable, I'm horrible at lying.

"Right. Well! I gotta go, Malcolm needs me to take him to work, love ya kiddo!"
"Love ya too Greta" I hung up.

Wasn't a cousin-cousin type relationship, we acted more like sisters.

The manor and the town, are the complete opposite of each other, the manor is dark, dead plants and dark trees, everything's bright here.

Or, was bright, before I knew it, it began raining.

"Oh, of fucking course" I mumbled to myself, breaking out into a run.


Finally made it, just before the bell.
Walking through the gates, I saw Alexandria, and two girls surrounding her.
Walking slowly, I began to notice what was going on.

"The hell did you do to your hair? Dyke!" One of the girls, blonde hair with a green streak, pushed her.
"Nah, she's not a dyke, she's a tranny!" Another girl, blonde hair, pink streak, began laughing.

My neck cracked and twitch, I put my bag on the ground, I didn't care if it was gonna be soaked.

I was just gonna yell at them, but, I kinda snapped.

"Piss off! We don't need any tranny's ruining the school!" Blonde/pink said, and punched Alexandria so hard she went into a puddle.

My neck cracked one final time, the next 30 seconds were a blur.

I pulled Blonde/pink by her hair, and she hit her chest on one of the outdoor tables, blonde/green didn't even see me, I punched her on the back of her neck, and she landed on blonde/pink.

When my eyesight began clearing up, the two girls were already running away, I turned around to look at Alexandria, I offered her my hand, she smiled and took my hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't help so-" she cut me off by hugging me, "that was amazing!" I looked to my left, Ben and joe were running up.

"We heard the word 'tranny', we knew it was those girls" joe said, out of breath. "Oh my god, thank you Ellie!" Alexandria's voice was muffled by my should, she called me Ellie, that made me smile wider.

Joe and Ben joined in, we all ended up getting a bit wet by Alexandrias clothing.

"Hey, Ellie, where's your bag?" Ben asked, I looked at where I put it, gone, it was gone.
"Oh my god, I bet it was one of those girls" I groaned.
"Wait, where's tyler?" Alexandria asked, going pale, the same with Ben and Joe.

"W-W-Why are you guys all translucent now?" I asked, Alexandria put her hand on my shoulder.
"Tyler is, well, really depressed, a lot. So whenever he doesn't show up to school, we worry" I nodded, showing my attention.

Then, the bell rang, of course it had to.

"Well, see ya guys" Ben said, walking away, joe following him.
"See ya Ben!" Alexandria yelled, walking to the other doors, I followed her.

"Does joe follow him everywhere?" I asked, she smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, they have almost all their classes with each other, I think on Friday all 5 of us have a class together" I smiled and chuckled.

"You, me, Ben, joe, and Tyler, teachers must hate that class" I opened the door for Alexandria.
"Oh trust me, Ellie, they do"



(Cringy fic I wrote when I Was 11)Where stories live. Discover now