Chapter 7: Unexpected help

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Half an hour in.

I had already finished my food, I was listening in, on the boring conversation at the table.

I looked over at my mother, I pointed towards the stairs, she sighed, and nodded slowly, I stood up and began walking towards my room.

Finally, alone with my thoughts.
I sat at my desk and pulled out my book for school, writing a story for our homework, this should be easy.


I was into my story, about a prince who loves to fight, he ends up fighting this princess, and in the process Rips her shirt, and she has the same birthmark as him.

I heard my door open slowly,
'it's just my mother checking on me'
I thought.

I was a good 60 words in, when I was brought out of my thoughts by two hands being placed on my shoulders, I looked at them, expecting to see her red painted nails, but, I didn't, they were bitten down to hell, also worth mentioning they belonged to a man.

"My my, what a very talented girl" a chill ran down my spine.
"T-T-Thank you" I managed to get out.

"I'm Cole, I've been waiting for a while to meet you" the grip on my shoulders tightened, I shot out of my chair, and stood near my closet.
He looked surprised, but that was quickly replaced by a look, of what I can only think of was lust.

"You seem like a smart girl, you should know what is wrong and what is right" he got closer, my one exit was my bedroom door, and that was shut tight.

I pressed myself against the wall, if I didn't take my medicine, He would've been out the window.

He placed one hand on my shoulder, and one slowly Traveling down my side.
I wanted to scream, but I just, couldn't, like I was paralysed.

The hand going down my side, slowly started to snake its way up the side of my dress.

It took all of my energy to do this, but I did it.

I started to twitch, my medicine beginning to wear off, my only chance.

I punched my closet door as hard as I could, and managed to say, in a collected tone.
'BH help me'

I'm still trying to comprehend what happened.

My closet door flew open, and Cole was on the ground, a shard of porcelain stuck into his cheek.
I saw a flash of something, like someone had ran in and out, and the door slammed shut.

I yanked the shard out, and ran out my door, only to be caught in the arms of my mother, I broke down immediately.

She already knew what happened, Cole on the ground, a part of my dress ripped, immediately crying.

The other men ran up to see what happened.
The business men yelled at Cole, my dad looked more embarrassed than anything.

My mum sat me down, and tended to the bruise I got when the door swung open and hit me.

"What did he do to you?" She asked, I shook my head.
"No, he tried to, but he did nothing" she took the piece of porcelain out my hand.

"I won't tell anyone" she smiled at the bloody object, the smile creeped me out, but, for some reason, I liked that.
"You... you fought back, and that's all that matters, ignore what your father says" she kissed my forehead, and left my room.

Cue the tears.

I began crying, the adrenaline leaving, and the realisation catching up to me.
I made my way to the closet door.

"Thank you, I-I don't know what you are, but thank you" I whispered.

I got a pair of blue fabric shorts, and a plain white shirt.
I ripped the dress off as fast as I could, and changed into the clothes I had just grabbed.

Exhaustion finally caught up with me, I was about to get into my bed, when a note flew out from under the door, and landed at my feet.

You're welcome, I'm not supposed to reveal myself to you, but I couldn't live with myself if I let it happen to you. -Bh.

The note was clean, no childish writing, no unnecessary capitalised letters.

I folded the note carefully, and put it in my bedside table, I have to get some sleep, school tomorrow and whatnot.

I laid down on my bed, my eyes becoming heavy, I turned onto my side to face the corner.

I swear, when I was going in and out of consciousness, someone had turned off my light.

My bedroom door was closed.

(Cringy fic I wrote when I Was 11)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя