Chapter 9: Genderybendery

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3 lessons in, my medicine is wearing off, I'm just twitching though, no violence, no me wanting to throw jack out the window, I'm just twitching.

"Elizabeth, would you like to step outside for a minute?" Mr. Roboter asked. I nodded and got up from my desk.

An empty school hallway is surprisingly creepy, I sat on one of the seats, Mr. Roboter joined me.
"Are you ok?" He asked, I tried to stop my neck cracking.
"Y-Yeah, I T-Think someone scratched my neck, T-That's all" he shook his head and looked at me.

"I saw what happened, with the girls, between you and me, I've never liked them, but their parents are rich so they won't get suspended" I raised an eyebrow at this.
"I don't think a teacher should be telling me that" he chuckled, "I'm not gonna be teaching, for much longer, I'm 62" he grinned.

"I see, well, is there anything you can do about those girls? They pushed and punched, Alexandria" I asked, he stood up.
"If you could get some proof, that these girls are doing harm to you, Alex, hell even Ben, joe, or Tyler, that might convince the headmaster to do something, I'll leave you here for a minute, feel free to go to the bathroom to splash your face" I nodded and thanked him.

He went back inside his classroom, I tried to find the bathroom, wait, Alexandria never showed me the bathroom...


I was walking around, trying to find any sign of the girls restroom, when I turned into a dark hallway, no one was there, my neck cracked and I, well, I don't even think it was me doing it, I threw myself into a wall.

Conveniently right next to a door, it just had 'Bathroom' written on it in sharpie, might as well.
Opening the door, it was exactly what it said, but it didn't just contain dudes, or guys, just a few people with weirdly coloured hair, in different styles, like 4 clones of Alexandria.

"Oh, I'm s-s-sorry I thought-" a person with blue/green shoulder length hair, cut me off.
"If you were looking for a bathroom, you're in the right place" they smiled,  a girl with (haircut above cause I don't know the name) tilted her head.

"You're Alex's Friend, are you?" I nodded slowly, green/blue and Red smiled at each other, meanwhile a guy with normal brown hair just looked at his phone.
"Well, I'm Oliver, and this is Nicolai" 'Nicolai' waved at me, I awkwardly waved back.

"And you're, Elizabeth, Right? Is there any preference or is Elizabeth ok?" I raised my eyebrow.
"W-What do you M-Mean, preference?" I asked, brown haired guy spoke up.

"Do you wanna be called Elizabeth? She/Her?" I nodded slowly.
"I-I grew up pretty secluded to, Y-Y-You know, everything" I shrugged, the bell rang, they all groaned.

"Well, again, I'm Oliver, He/Him, that's Nicolai, They/He/She, doesn't matter, and that's Josh, He/Him" I nodded slowly again, they all left, and I was left by myself.

I quickly went over to the sink, splashed some water on my face, and looked at myself, what did they all mean? He/Him/She/Her/They/Them?

I never grew up with this, it was you're born a girl, you stay a girl, same with guys, and god forbid if you have a crush on the same sex.

I shook my head and left the bathroom, Alexandria was pacing the hallway, Ben and joe were with her, trying to calm her down, Oliver shaking his head at them.

"Y-Y-You Øk?" I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder, she shook her head.
"Tyler's still not here, and he's not responding" Oliver looked at me and waved, I waved again.

"Oh, y'all are looking for Ty? He went with Nicolai to the bleachers, lil rebellious punk" he chuckled.
"Fuck I'm late!" He yelled, and ran off, Ben put his hand to his chest.
"I hate him more than anything" Alexandria stopped pacing, she looked at me.

"Please come with me, Ben and joe are 'busy'" she glared at them, joe scratched the back of his neck.
"Y-Y-Yeah, sure" I breathed out, Ben and joe walked away, we began walking to the Gym.


"This is where I come all the time,so does tyler" she said quietly, she scanned the room, I some red peaking through from behind a bleacher, I pointed it out, she grabbed my hand, and walked slowly towards it.

I thought she was taking the stealthy route, I was wrong, she swung both of us around a corner, and there was tyler, and Nicolai, hands held and being all sappy and ShoF.

"Tyler! Oh my god I hate you! I thought you were-" I gripped Alexandria's hand tighter, she  stopped and cleared her throat.
"I'm sorry, m-my dad took my phone again, I was trying to find you, b-b-But you were nowhere" Nicolai stood up, taking tyler with them.

"Alex, c'mon, he's had a rough day, if its any consolation, he's still alive" she nodded slowly, they both left the gym.

Alexandria quickly let go do my hand.

"Sorry!" She squeaked out, her face as red as Nicolai's hair.
"It's ok" I chuckled, covering my mouth to hide my smile -habit-

"Do you and Oliver, know each other?" She asked, leaning on the wall.
"We literally j-just Met, 5 m-minutes ago, I don't know w-w-what he means by 'He/Him' and all t-that j-jazz" I twitched.

Alexandria had her lips pressed into a line, "what do you think of it all? Oliver was born a girl, So was nicolai, josh isn't trans, or non binary, or anything, he's just 'friends' with Oliver" she said quietly, I probably had the biggest look of confusion on my face.

"I, I-I-I'm sorry, but what?" My neck cracked, I bit my lip.
"Well, Oliver was born a girl, but he was born with a boy brain, the body doesn't match, that's it, Nicolai doesn't care, they were born a girl, but some days they're feminine or masculine" I nodded slowly.

"There are also some people who, one day, they might feel like a girl, the next, they feel like a boy, sometimes neither, sometimes both" I chuckled at that one.
"T-T-That sounds n-nice" I smiled, she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, many people don't like u-I mean them, much" She grumbled.
"Why n-n-not? They seem like nice people" She fiddled with a band on her arm.

"One bad apple spoils the bunch" She shrugged, I remembered the bell.

"Lunchtime, I almost forgot!" She grabbed my arm, and we began running.

I don't know, I think I'm liking this kinda life.

(Cringy fic I wrote when I Was 11)Where stories live. Discover now