Chapter 10: YeeYee

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I'm getting lazy with the titles.
Also the lines mean stuff.
- 10 minutes
-/ Half an hour
\- an hour


I sat at the table, pushing my food around my plate, for some reason I didn't feel hungry.

"Those girls though, they always target us" Alexandria grumbled, Ben nodded.
"Never the others, just us, still got the scar to prove it" Ben pointed to a scar on his neck, "H-How did he?" I mumbled.

"False nail, right into my neck" Joe put his fork down.
"They think we-we're weak, easy targets, Today, Ellie has p-proved them wrong" he smiled, I smiled back, Joe doesn't talk much, just head or hand movements, he even grunts just to talk to people.

"Yeah, thanks again, Ellie, usually I would fight back, but they usually target me when I'm with Tyler, so I get them 'Motherly' instincts" Alexandria said, I looked at Tyler, he was nodding off.
"Y-Y-You good, Buddy?" I asked quietly, and poked his arm, he nodded slowly.

I pushed my tray away from me, I cracked my fingers to try and stop the twitching.

"Ellie, are you ok?" Alexandria asked and put her hand on my shoulder, I nodded.
"Y-Yeah, I'm just st-stressed out" I closed my eyes and put my head down on the table.

"For an expensive school like this, the food is absolutely terrible" Ben Gagged, Joe giggled at that, I opened my eyes, I saw that Alexandria was doing the same thing as me, but she was looking at me.

Ben and joe were doing their whole 'Ben says one thing and joe acts like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard'.
"I swear they're dating" Alexandria mumbled and rolled her eyes, I chuckled.

The bell had rung, I quickly got my things and was the first one out the door, the medicine had completely gone none, and for some reason, I'm fine, I'm... ok.

(School is over)

I don't know why I need this medicine, it's not like I have voices in my head, I just get violent and stutter, but now I don't feel violent, my stuttering has stopped, it only comes around pronouncing 'Y's and M's.

We were sat at the table outside again, we were all talking, when Blonde/pink came up.

"What?" Alexandria asked, Blonde/pink threw a bag on the table and ran away.
"Wait what?!" Alexandria yelled at her, I picked up the bag.

Mine, I could tell, it had all my badges on it, and my name written on the tag inside.

"When I helped Y-You, m-my bag was taken by her" I said, opening the bag, everything was still there.

My binder (not the chest one just a school binder) was there, schoolwork hadn't been changed, everything was there, except the story I had written.
Fuck, please tell me I left it at home.

"Are you alright?" Ben asked.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, everything's here except m-m-my goddamn story for English" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Oh, Ellie, your mums here" Alexandria shook me, I stood up, everyone began crowding me for a hug.

"I'm not going off to war, I'll see you on Monday!" I yelled as I walked away, they laughed and went back to the table, I got in the car.

"How you feeling, baby?" My mum asked, I smiled.
"I'm feeling fine" I cracked my fingers to keep the twitch under control.
"Me and your father, had a talk when we went for breakfast, I think it's best you ignore him" she sighed, I tilted my head -showing my confusion-

"He's victim-blaming you, he cares more about that job, and those men" I nodded slowly, she didn't change herself around me, this is what she's like, straight to the point, but she's lovely, angry at times, but lovely.
"On a lighter note. Greta is coming over on Monday" she smiled, I gasped.

"Really? Oh m-my god I haven't seen her in so long!" I was practically jumping in my seat at this, she chuckled.
"Ok, calm down Ellie, tell me about your friends, there's a lot of traffic so it's gonna be a while before we get home".


I walked through the doors of my house, my father was sitting on the couch, watching some show on the TV above the fireplace, apparently a painting had been there for 24 years, you could tell, the wood where it used to be hanging was darker than the rest.

I ignored whatever he was trying to say, and I walked up to my room, locking the door behind me.
I threw my bag on the ground and threw myself on my chair, swaying slowly -swivel chairs are best chairs-.

I saw my story on my desk, a little note next to it, I picked it up.

This is really good. Could you write more of it? -BH.

I smiled, got my book and pencil, and sat in front of the closet door, there I began writing.


I was silently talking to BH, he would past me some notes back.

"Oh, and my cousin Greta is coming over" the scribbling stopped, I pressed my ear to the closet door, footsteps, and something smashing.

I backed away from the door, god, if I even was a little bit normal, I'd be running to my mother, but, I didn't, I just stared at the door and shook my head.

"BH, calm down, ok, i don't care if you're like a demon or something, or a squatter, but you're being pretty loud, and I don't want my parents to hear you" the smashing stopped.

The knocking at my door began.

"Ellie?! Are you ok?!" Just my mother.
"Y-Yeah, sorry! I forgot how loud my phone is!" I cringed at that lie.
"Oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack! Dinner is in 15 minutes by the way!" I heard her high heals clicking down the hallway.

I went back to the closet, a note slid out.

I'm sorry, A Greta hurt me back then. She left me. Stabbed me. Even though I helped her.

I frowned at the note.

"I'm not gonna do that to you, you hurt me, I'll hurt you, be nice to me, I'll be nice to you" I crossed my arm, I heard a small chuckle from behind the door, either an 8 year old boy or a grown man, I couldn't tell between it.

"I'm hungry, want me to bring you something back?" I asked.
I waited a minute, a note flew out again.

Yes, Biscuits and water, please.

I smiled.

"Ok, I'll be back in half an hour"


(Cringy fic I wrote when I Was 11)Where stories live. Discover now