4* Unfair Move

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"Leonor?" called Brian when she walked quietly into the apartment. Brian was still encased in bedclothes and only some hair and feet were visible.

"Good evening! Looks like you are still asleep," replied Leonor.

"I'm awake or let's say kind of revived," groaned Brian.

"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something?" Leonor relaxed a bit doing the mundane small talk.

"Sounds good!"

Leonor busied herself in the kitchenette. Pasta, tomato, salad and cheese found the way from her previous flat to the new refrigerator while Brian's pantry included only fast food.

"What do you like — Spaghetti Napoli, salad, sandwiches, sausage with curry sauce or squeezed expired burgers?"

"Sausages! You can dispose the hamburgers," called a tame voice and Leonor frowned disgustedly while opening the plastic box with the sliced sausage in a reddish-brown sauce. It reminded her so much of all the unhealthy things she ate while being on duty for nightly surveillances in New York. A wave of Leonor's magic wand heated the box quickly.

"Here you go!" Leonor lifted the blanked and the smell of curry crept into Brian's nose.

"Delicious!" The wizard sat upright and ate hastily. He looked relaxed.

"Are you alright again?" said Leonor. Brian only nodded.

Leonor sat down on her side of the bed and watched. It was clearly the place to be being Brian's fiancée, and he honoured it with a friendly grin. The sun had already disappeared behind the horizon. They spoke nothing, only the smacking noises disturbed the silence until Brian put the plastic box to the nightstand and turned over to Leonor.

"I'm very relaxed." Brian's lips found Leonor with fast wet kisses. Leonor didn't respond to it. Nevertheless, the male body pressed her into the soft pillows. It wasn't hard; it wasn't violent. It was not even passionate. The kisses ended quickly. Brian touched Leonor's breasts under the white cotton shirt but didn't even strive to undress the woman below him. Leonor didn't defend herself — everything was surreal. She could not avoid the situation forever living in a relationship, she accepted the unavoidable. A moment later Brian busied himself to fumble around his boxer shorts with the face hidden in the pillows and the hard-on pressed against the woman's thigh. The effort to get rid of his own pants did not work out. He moaned against Leonor's ear and moved jerkily against Leonor's legs and then it was over with a yelp. A wet discharge brought relief and left a tepid spot on Leonor's white trousers. Brian rolled over to his side of the bed. He grunted something inarticulate as if a marathon race just finished, and he had to draw breath.

"Let's sleep," Brian mumbled contently with closed eyes and completely unaware of a gaping Leonor. He snuggled self-satisfied up into the pillows and a hand found Leonor's forearm before Brian fell asleep.

Leonor watched the man at her side confused. Was that the first-time sex? It had nothing of the romantic bliss promised in all the movies; it happened, and all was over. Leonor had not even lent her body except being a pillow. Why didn't she curse Brian? Because there was no threat in the whole action; it was Brian's way to be aroused — a fast an uneventful love play. Leonor listened to the light snores of the man and the battle inside continued until she made a final decision and closed the lids to sleep edgily.


Brian fondled Leonor's cheeks, „Leonor! Get up! It's Monday! I'm going ahead. The bathroom is free." He left when she opened the eyes drowsily.

Leonor slept deeper than the decision of the evening before promised. She was happy that Brian was already gone. There was enough time speaking to him tonight. It didn't do any good to start the day with bad news. She only hoped that he kept quiet about the half-intimate events last night. He showed off with such details in the past. However, he never did in Brazil. The witch checked the radio clock and fell moaning back into the pillows. Brian was already delayed, and she would be even later.

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