Chapter 1

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Warnings: language and alcohol

Word Count: 2009

(W/Y/A/F - Where you are from)

*Your POV*

'Come on, 10 minutes left please get a move on.' I think to myself as I look between my work and the clock. It's nearly summer vacation and i just want to get this shithole of a year finally over with, then I'll have one more year left before I can start thinking about colleges. I look back at my best friend and she is also thinking the same thing I am, I start tapping my pen against my desk waiting impatiently as I glance up at the clock. '3...2...1' the bell rang and everyone sprung from their seats and threw their papers in the air. Classic. My friend grabbed me by my arm and we ran outside and started cheering.We walked passed all the students, some are crying others are excited.

"You're coming to the party tonight right?!" Chloe spoke as we left the school grounds, she loved a good party and its the first of summer vacation.

"Of course but please don't let Ryan dj, his music is utter shite." You groan just thinking about it and Chloe laughs.

"His music isn't that bad, you just have different taste in music as him." Chloe nudged you. "What are you going to wear?"

"I was thinking a black t-shirt my red and black tennis skirt you know the one that's kinda tartan like? And my black denim jacket that is a few sizes bigger than me." I say and Chloe nods. Chloe and I have similar taste in outfits but we plan in advance so we don't end up wearing the same things.

I get home and greet my mother and father then head up to my room to get ready. I showered and got my clothes on and the next thing was my hair, I decided to have it down and straight and my makeup. I will never understand why putting on makeup feels more like a chore than fun activity so I only do the basics, eyebrows, eyeshadow, liner,  lashes and i'm done pretty much. I have 2 hours to kill before I have to meet Chloe so I can binge watch my favourite series until then. 

*Different POV*

You felt your eyes start to get heavy and you still had an hour and a half till you had to leave and you were struggling to stay awake and by the time the next episode started you were out like a light.

You awoke feeling the cold nipping at your exposed skin and you instantly sat up realising you were outside. You look around at your surroundings and as far as you know you are outside on what looks like a back road in the pitch black it was a long ass road and had a lot of trees at each side it was kinda spooky. You started asking yourself how you got here cause you swore you went to sleep on your bed...Wait! you have a party to get to but you can't get there when you have no fucking clue where you are.

You stood up and flattened your skirt down and hugged your denim jacket to keep yourself warm then two bright lights were on you and a car was speeding towards you. You froze in fear then the car slammed on its breaks and honked at you then someone came out the car and stomped towards you. You stared at the car in front of you then someone had came out shouting.

"What the fuck are you doing!? I could have ran you over!" they shouted, from what  you gathered it was a guy but he had long blonde hair and it was curly, he stomped towards you and his face came into focus. "Are you deaf or something!?" He yelled.

"Holy shit."  You breathe as you at him, he was fucking gorgeous! His blue eyes were pretty to stare at and he had an amazing face.

"Holy shit indeed. What the fuck were you doing on the fucking road!" Jesus does this guy ever stop shouting.

"I would like to know that too. I was in my bed and I woke up lying on the ground." You say looking around once again. "Can you tell me where the fuck I am."

"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficWhere stories live. Discover now