Chapter 7

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Warnings: language,

Word Count: 1504

"Alright listen up shitheads, so you were saying that if there was no actual time machine then we have to take Y/n back to where we found her?" Steve pinched the bridge of his nose "Where exactly was that, Hargrove?" Steve added.
"Practically in the middle of nowhere." He grumbled.

"Great great, newsflash Billy the middle of nowhere doesn't help!" Steve yelled.

"Well what did you expect! It's not like every road here is marked clearly." Billy and Steve were now squaring up to each other.

"Dear lord do you two ever shut up." Will said under his breath. You groaned in your 'sleep' then you shot up breathing really fast and finally the two teenagers stopped bickering and were near you instantly.

"Hey, hey, hey you are okay." Steve tried to get you to calm down and you slowly started to get your breathing back to normal. You roll up your sleeves and looked at your wrists, you tried rubbing them to see if something was going to happen but nothing did, you ran to the nearest bathroom with everyone following you. You put one of your wrists under the hot tap and started scrubbing at your wrist till it was red raw then you did the other one and this time when your wrist was all red you saw the black ink marked on it.


"This...can't be real." You say, your eyes well up with tears.

"What can't be real, Y/n?" Billy asked, everyone heard the concern in his voice even though he tried to hide it. You turned to look and everyone and showing your wrist to them and they were even more confused.

"You knew, didn't you?" You asked Eleven softly, and she shrugged.

"I didn't know for sure, I didn't say in case I was wrong." She replied, you took her answer.

"Wait so you are not from the future?" Max asked.

"I don't know where the hell I am from." You reply.

"This is great!" Everyone looked at Dustin. "We are getting closer to figuring Y/n out."

"Alright Einstein, what are you getting at." Steve took your wrist in his and cradled it gently.

"Where Billy found her could have been near the lab, Y/n has a number tattoo like El which means Y/n is like El."

"Err fill me in somebody?" if you weren't confused before now you definitely are.

"Eleven has telekinetic powers, what is yours?" Mike asks.

"I don't know, I haven't figured it out yet." You say.

"My guess is that it has something to do with you hearing the voices and seeing things whenever you blackout so maybe you have some mind manipulation powers." Dustin spoke, it was amusing that he was actually enjoying this however it doesn't make sense.

"I don't think so..." You trial off and Billy must have known what you were going to say cause he smirked to himself.

"Did something else happen?" Dustin added.

"Kinda? To spare details i heard Billy's thoughts and then dreamed about them that night....." You spoke really quickly but everyone heard.

"You what?" Steve looked at you and billy with wide eyes much like the rest of the kids and they were quick to catch on...shockingly. Billy tilted his head towards Steve and his smirk grew bigger and it pissed Steve off.

"Steve drop it, it's really no big deal nothing ever happened." Steve opened his mouth but Dusitin interrupted.

"Interesting, maybe some mind dream manipulation power then."

"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficWhere stories live. Discover now