Chapter 5

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Warnings: language, implied/mild smut?

Word Count: 1277

You sat in Billys car as he pulled in a layby on the road, his hand firmly planted on your thigh as he killed the engine. He turned to look at you, his free hand cupped your jaw pulling your face closer to yours. Your lips inches apart you could feel his breath of your face before pulling your face closer, your lips crashed together in a heated kiss both of you fighting for dominance but you end up giving in Billy smirked against your lips and pulling you over the console and straddling his lap, your hands found their way into his hair earning a growl from Billy. You both broke away from the kiss and his lips attack your neck leaving bruises-

Your eyes shot open and you sat up, you were practically swearing. You ran to the bathroom and checked the mirror for the marks Billy had left on you.
'It was a dream? Thank god!' You sighed in relief but you were also embarrassed. Yesterday that was exactly what billy had been thinking about, you heard it with your own ears and saw it in your own head. How can you look at him today? You'll just have to avoid him today because if you look at him you're going to most likely remember that 'dream'. A knock at the door took you away from your thoughts.
"Hey Y/n, I brought down some clothes for you. I was thinking after school maybe take you to the mall and you can get clothes for yourself?" Nancy suggested. "And we can kinda get to know each other since Steve and Billy keep stealing you away." You both chuckle at that.
"I'm all yours after school Nance, shopping sounds cool." You sigh calmly,it would be nice to have some girl time with Nancy plus its an excuse to avoid Billy outside school.

You showered and got dressed then met Nancy up stairs, she told you that Johnathan was driving us and you didn't mind that in fact you didn't mind Johnathan he was pretty quiet as far as you know.

On the way to school you and Nancy talked and occasionally Johnathan would join the conversation, Johnathan parked his car and the three of you exited the car, you were quickly joined by Steve. Steve wasn't on your list of people to avoid so far Freckles, Red well they have to stay clear of you, and Billy cause of your 'dream.' You were caught yourself thinking about that 'dream' how real it felt it almost felt nice- 'wait no stop that's just weird stop Y/n'
"Earth to Y/n?" you snapped out of your thoughts as a hand waved in front of your face.
"Hmmm?" You swallowed involuntary.
"Your face is red, are you okay?" Steve asked, looking slightly concerned you opened your mouth to speak but you were cut off by an arm being slung over your shoulder and it completely threw you off. Your face went a deeper shade of red by now, you weren't listening to what Bily was saying to the group but you gently grabbed his arm hat was slung over your shoulders and spun yourself out of his grip and you walked away heading to your first class. Nancy noticed and quickly followed after you.
"What was that all about? Your face got more red as Billy arrived." Nancy linked your arms together.
"It's weird and just very weird." you sighed, you both turned the corner to your class.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked as you both took your seats.
"Its gross really but if I do promise it stays between us?" she nodded and you told her about Billy's thoughts yesterday night but the pg version and then about the dream again briefly covering the details. To say the least the whole time you spoke her jaw hit the floor.You felt utterly embarrassed and pervy but you couldn't control that at all.
"I know I sound like such a perv and nothing like that has ever happened before like I hear people but not their thoughts then dream about them"
"Not at all, I won't tell a soul but don't you think it could have also been the fact you like him?" she wiggled her eyebrows and you pushed her jokingly.
"I don't like him like that Nance."
"Sure you do and Steve too." You looked at her with wide eyes. "I notice, they don't again I won't say a thing also just because I've dated Steve doesn't mean I'll tell you not to date him, he is a nice guy just it didn't work for us."
"As much as I love it here already I can't date anyone because Dustin is finding a way for me to get back to my own time. It's kind of worrying that I'm relying on a child to help me." You laughed at the last bit. Nancy rubbed your shoulder sympathetically.
"I understand."

Avoiding Billy was getting difficult by lunch time he was constantly following you around demanding your attention along the way you got death glares from girls who tried to get his attention but it wasn't working. You stopped by your locker and he was nowhere to be seen, you sighed in relief.
"Wanna tell me why you are avoiding me, Princess." The sudden voice that came from nowhere startled you causing you to jump and let out a small squeal.
"I'm not avoiding you." You lied, he wasn't buying it.
"Now don't lie to me, tell me did I say something wrong last night?" he looked upset.
"No you didn't do anything...directly, anyway it's just uhh." Fuck you didn't know what to say, you knew that avoidig him wasn't going to help but after the dream you couldn't look at him in the eyes.
"You're not looking me in the eyes Y/N, please tell me." he was pleading this time.
"You thought something last night, I heard it then out of nowhere I saw it. God I sound pervy." Billy looked at you confusingly and he tried to make sense of what you meant then it hit him and all he could do was smirk and you groaned internally.
"So you saw that." he said in a cocky tone and you just replied with a 'uh huh' "how was it?" God you were wanting to crawl into a hole and die.
"Didn't get that far." You purse your lips into a tight line #.
"Yet." he winked at you and you hit his chest playfully.
"Don't get your hopes up, Billy." You said as you caught sight of Nancy, you walked away and made your way after Nancy.

"Mr.Clarke we need your help." Mike asked after their class finished. "If time travel was possible and someone accidentally traveled back in time but without a time machine how would you send the person back to their timeline?"
"Interesting question, You could possibly make a time machine that can send them forward their time only or take them back to the place they appeared and see what made them travel back in the first place. However, there is a possibility that a person could be from a different earth that is only a few years in the future but only one of those are possible. Why are you asking?" The science teacher asked the boys plus El and Max, the kids all exchanged looks.
"Uhh a book a friend of ours is writing! " Dustin exclaimed then ran out the door with the party following behind him. "Thank you!" They all shouted

"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficWhere stories live. Discover now