Chapter 6

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Warnings: language, slight violence, some angst?

Word Count: 1243

"Nancy not be rude or anything but how am I supposed to pay for my clothes? I mean I have no money at all." You asked as you followed Nancy around the mall into different shops, you did look at a few items of clothing but you shied away from them cause of the price and the fact that you had no money.

"Y/n has that been on your mind since we've been here?" She asked as you both entered another store, you nodded. "I was going to buy them for you as a treat I don't mind really, I hardly ever have girl time anymore due to...some stuff."

"I feel bad if I let you buy my clothes Nance." You protested but she waved you off.

"Nonsense, now go find clothes." She laughed nudging you in the direction of the clothes as she looked for her own clothes. You were wearing the clothes you came here; your black denim jacket, red plaid skirt and black top. You didn't mind the looks you were getting at all cause you felt comfortable in them. You wandered over to the jeans section and saw a nice pair of black ripped denim 'mom'  jeans and a similar pair in plain denim blue. You picked both jeans up and headed towards the tops and picked a few t-shirts then wandered around looking for Nancy who was by the sweater section. "Oh you found stuff, let's go pay!"

"You're not buying anything?" You ask, guilt pouring over you.

"I have enough clothes, we are here for you remember." She paid and handed you the bag and the both of you left and headed to the food court. She asked you what you wanted to eat and you told her (y/f/f) and in response she told you to find a seat while she waits in line.

You found a seat near the fountain and as you waited for Nancy you found yourself in the comfort of your own thoughts that you didn't realise the person take a seat in front of you.

"Hey Y/n." Steve smiled at you but he noticed that you weren't really listening. "Y/n?" He waved a hand in front of your face and you snapped back into reality.

"Oh sorry Steve." You smiled apologetically and he smiled back.

"It's okay, I saw you sitting alone and thought I'd keep you company." Steve leaned back in his seat.

"Actually I'm here with Nancy who was...was in the line." You look around for her and then it hit you, she set you up kinda like a date with Steve but not at the same time. "She's a clever one."

"Nancy? Yeah she is."

"Did she put you up to this." Steve was going to deny it but you were kinda true.

"Kinda, this wasn't supposed to happen but yet here we are." He threw his hands in the air, you chuckled at him. "While we are here do you wanna go see a movie?"

"Is this a date?

"How about a friend date thing." Steve shrugged.

"Sure." You smile.

Max and Eleven were wandering around the mall while the boys were at the arcade. Max insisted on taking El to the mall since they had so much fun the last time they went.

"No freaking way." Max breathed, looking directly and you and Steve sitting together at the food court.

"What?" Eleven asked, looking around to see what Max was talking about but she was cut short when Max grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the mall towards the arcade.

"Guys!!" Max shouted at the group of boys waiting outside the arcade.

"What?" they all asked as they waited for max to catch her breath.

"Y/n is on a date!!"

"Why should we care that she is on a date?" Lucas rolled his eyes, not seeing why she is so worked up about you being on a date.

"With STEVE!!"

"What!?" everyone said at the same time then there was another 'what' added in except the voice was more deeper and angrier. The kids turn and see Billy, he was practically red in the face and right on cue you and Steve leave the mall, smiling and laughing which angered Billy more.

"Uh-oh." Dustin mumbled as Billy pushed passed the kids and made a beeline towards you and Steve. You hadn't noticed Billy until he made himself known by punching Steve in the face.

"BILYY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" You scream but like he would hear you. Steve picked himself up and held his hand to his face.

"What the hell!?" Steve narrowed his eyes at Billy and right now you were invisible, the only person that was visible was Billy.

"I told you Harrington to stay away from her!" Billy shouted and Steve shouted something back. You couldn't hear everything it was all becoming a white noise till you heard something more clearer. You felt dizzy again.

"Guys stop." You mumbled, you felt sick and having no idea why you felt like this was more worrying. "Guys!" You tried again but this time you felt something hit the back of you and your vision became black.

*Steve's POV*
"Guys!" I stopped and turned to look at y/n but as I did she fell to the ground. All of us rushed to her.

"Y/n?!" I shouted gently shaking her but she didn't respond, I checked to see if she was still breathing and luckily she was or this situation could get a lot worse. I lift her head and rest it on my lap as we all begin to talk over each other about what to do.

"Guys, she is mumbling something, listen." Mike shouts and we all quiet down to listen to Y/n.

"Zero one two zero one two zero one two."

"What the hell does zero one two mean?" Lucas asked.

"Twelve." Eleven piped up, all of us looked at her in confusion.

*Your POV*
I woke up against cold tiles, I have no clue where the hell I am though it looks to be a hospital. Thank god. I get up to head down the corridor but the sound of screaming put me off, I just stand there listening to the person scream for help. I know I should help them but at this point my feet are moving on their own accord down the hall passing all these doors till I reach the only door that is open, I peek around the corner and see these people in white lab coats hold down someone to a bed and another man stood to the side, he wore a suit and his hair was white somehow he looked familiar.

"Let me go!" I freeze I know that voice. I know it very well. This surely can't be real.

"Put her out." The man in the suit spoke, his voice sends me shivers, I watch as they take a syringe and jab it into the girl she stopped fighting and she laid still. The men in the white coats begin to turn and I move away from the door as they leave, I take the chance and go into the room slowly going near the girl on the bed. The number on her wrist catches my eye.


My eyes follow up her arm and to her face and my blood runs cold.

"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficWhere stories live. Discover now