Chapter 4

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Warnings: language

Word Count: 1405

Steve drove you to what looked like a junkyard and in the distance you could see a group of kids beside a bus.
"They usually meet up here or at Nancy's since the basement is used for their game of D&D." Steve explained and you nodded, keeping your eyes on the kids. "Nancy and Johnathan are going to meet us at hers later."
"And Billy?"
"He'll probably have to pick up Max so he might be there." Steve never looks happy when you mention Billy. The car came to a stop and you both exited the car then all the kids turned to look at you.
"Who's She?" One of the kids with curly hair asked, to be honest it wasn't the welcome you were expecting but then again you were pretty much intruding.
"This is Y/n. We also have a slight problem." All the kids seemed interested now that he said there was a problem. It made you a little upset that you were the problem he was talking about. "You guys know about time travel, right?" The children looked at Steve confused. "She is from 2019 and she is stuck here."
"No way, you're from the future!?" The boy with black hair exclaimed.
"Yeah, I kinda went to sleep in my bed then I woke up in the middle of the road." You looked at each of the kids and there was one that seemed familiar. "You look familiar I don't know how."
"This is Eleven, El for short." The boy with black hair spoke. "I'm Mike, this is Dustin, Lucas, Will and Max.
"So what we need a plan to get her back to 2019!? I'm down." Dustin seemed pretty excited it was concerning. "So you just went to sleep and woke up on the road. Then what happened?"
"I nearly got ran over by Billy." You rolled your eyes.
"He really has a thing for running people over." Lucas added. "He tried to run me, Dustin and Mike on Halloween."
"That's strange for time travel it's a time machine to go back or forward in time but you didn't come in one of those." Dustin spoke, a puzzled expression written on his face. "It's impossible really. How long are you willing to wait?"
"What do you mean 'wait'? I can hear my friends and parents calling for me every so often and they are missing me as much as I miss them!" I was starting to get frustrated, your eyes pricked with tears and your throat was becoming dry as you tried not to cry in front of the kids and Steve.
"We can ask Mr Clarke tomorrow about time travel and see what we can come up with." Mike said trying his best to give you a sense of hope. You sighed but nodded, this was your only hope.

"Sir she is slipping again!"
"Get her back under! She can't leave!"

"I can't leave?" You say to yourself. "Slipping? Back under?" You felt yourself feel heavy and dizzy causing you to stumble back but Steve caught you.

"Y/n, what are you talking about?" Lucas says he looks freak out like everyone else.

"You hear them again don't you?" You only nod "your friend?" You shake your head.

"She hears voices?" Max asked and Eleven stays quiet.

"I'll take her back to my place." Steve wrapped an arm around you and lead you to his car when a blue Camaro pulled and Billy got out of it.

"For fuck sake Max I've told you to stop hanging around these freaks." Billy hadn't noticed your there until he looked at Steve.

"Long time no see sweet cheeks." He winked at you, you swore if he winks at you one more time you'll poke his beautiful blue eye out.

"You legit saw me a few hours ago." You huff, your voice sounding tired.

"Max in the car we are going home." Billy didn't take his eyes off you, the kids were looking between you, Steve and Billy. Max huffed and headed towards Billy's car.

"Steve we need you here." Dustin said as Steve headed for the car door with you leaning on him.

"Dustin, I have to get her to Mike's."

"Oh I'll take her." Billy interjected and Steve narrowed his eyes.

"Like hell I'm letting someone like you take her." Steve argued.

"What's that supposed to mean Harrington. Go on say it." Billy taunted.

"I swear to fucking god someone take me to Nancy's for so help me I'll kill you both." You growled, between Steve and Billy's bickering and the voices in your head you were started to get a headache and it was making you feel sick.

"Fine." Steve gave in and let go of you, you turned around to the kids and smiled.

"It was nice meeting you all and I hope you figure something out." You go to turn around when Eleven spoke.

"Twelve." You turn around looking at her confusingly as did everyone else.

"Pardon?" She didn't say anything and walked into the broken down bus. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No she just doesn't like Billy." Dustin spoke.

"Watch it kid." Billy stepped towards Dustin and you stood in front of him.

"If you are taking me to Nancy's let's go and leave them alone. Also keep your hands to yourself or I cut them off." The kids all snickered at your words making Billy more annoyed. "Will you be at Nancy's later?" You ask Steve.

"I'll try." He answered, you smile and head the passenger side of the Camaro, Billy hates that you had an interest in Steve fucking Harrington he was glad to get away from him. The ride to Nancy's was quiet but you soon you realised you had missed the turn off for Nancy's.

"Where are we going? I thought you were taking me to Nancy's." You sat up straight and looked at Billy with narrowed eyes and you saw him roll his eyes at you.

"Calm down, I'm dropping Max off then taking you to the Wheelers."

"What? No i wanna come." Max shouted from the back seat.

"No you are going home!" Billy yelled and even you were slightly scared when he raised his voice so you mumbled a 'sorry' for making him a little mad. The drive was again silent and to you it felt uncomfortable but it seemed natural for Max and Billy, the car came to a stop and Billy got out letting Max leave before coming back in and speeding off down the road. You heard a voice again and you gripped the handle of the car door as Billy sped down the roads, the voice shocked you the most cause you knew who it belonged to but you weren't going to tell Billy. The voice made your cheeks heat up and caused your heart to beat faster. "Hey are you okay?" He actually sounded concerned and you only nodded. "Are you hearing the voices again?"

"How do you know about that?" You look at him confusingly, you don't remember telling him.

"Not important. What are they saying this time?"

"Uh it's chole best friend." You lied, again you weren't going to tell Billy the truth. Billy pulled up at Nancy's and you saw Nancy and Johnathan leaning on Johnathan's car then another car pulled up and Steve and Mike exited the car. As you opened the door Billy caught your arm and you looked at him, he looked like he wanted to tell you something but he let you go and didn't say anything.

"Shouldn't you had dropped her off by now." Steve remarked and he watched Billy get out his car.

"Yeah, well I dropped Max off first and she heard voices again."

"How does he know!?" Steve looked at you and you shrugged. "What did they say?"

"It's not that important, I'm really tired can I please go to sleep?" You asked Nancy and she walked you into the house along with Johnathan leading you to the basement. Steve and Billy were just left standing there.

"You gotta stay away from her." They both said in unison, Steve looking shocked and Billy chuckling.

"I'm not kidding Harrington."

"Neither am I, Hargrove." Billy raised his eyebrows and got in his car and sped off once again, Steve huffed and mumbled 'Jerk' under his breath before heading to the basement.

"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficWhere stories live. Discover now