Chapter 8

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Steve stirred in his sleep and pawed at the covers to pull you closer but he couldn't feel you. You weren't there. He sat upright and found that the side you were sleeping at was empty there wasn't anything there. Steve through his covers back and went to check to see if you were in the spare room, maybe you wanted to go back and sleep in your own space? He knocked but you didn't answer so he opened it slowly and peeked through and he saw that that bed was also empty too. This is where Steve went into panic mode and ran down the stairs to check the rest of the house but what did he expect? You weren't there, there was no sign of you it was like you weren't here at all.

"Y/n!? Are you here!?" Steve shouted but silence was his only answer. He ran up the stairs again and threw on any clothes he could find then bolted down to the telephone, he really didn't want to dial the number but he had to who else could he ask?

"Have you seen Y/n?"

"You lost her?!" Billy yelled as he slammed his car door and made a bee line for Steve but was stopped by Nancy and Johnathan. "You had one job, Harrington!"

"Hey you heard what i said! It was like she wasn't even here!" Steve did a lousy job of defending himself for losing you at this rate they had no idea where you ad gone or where to look and they don't even know how long you were out for.

"We should split up have a better chance on finding her." Nancy suggested.

"We are kinda out numbered here Nancy we'll have to wait till the kids finish school which we should be going to but no cause Steve lost Y/n.'' Billy huffed and leaned against his car, sparking up a cigarette.
You walked down a narrow, dimly lit,  grey hallway that never seemed to end. You kept hearing voices and squeaky wheels but nothing was there you kept looking behind you and in front of you, trying to find the source of the voices but no avail.

"12." You stopped to look behind you. Nothing. "12, you shouldn't be out this late." It was a woman's voice. "The dr won't be happy knowing you're wandering around the halls again." You saw her. She was a few steps away from you. "Come you need to take your medicine."

"No. No more medicine!" You yelled, running the opposite way but they shouting and yelling got louder and more violent which only caused you to run faster and faster. You had no clue on how you got here, you were with Steve where did he go? He wouldn't put you in this place!? You don't even know where you are.

Suddenly you started to feel a pain in your head which caused all the voices to sound all muffled and far away.

"Y/n!? Where are you?" Steve? Where are you?

"Y/n!?" Billy? You're here too? Stopped running and looked around but you were still in the hospital hallway, the bright lights were starting to give you a headache the flickering didn't help either. Everything was starting to scare you and stress you out.

"Steve! Billy!" You cried as you crashed to the floor holding your head in your hands. Everything was too much you want to go home back to your mom, your friends, back to everything you knew.

"Hey did you hear that?" Steve stopped moving, he could have sworn he heard your voice calling out for him and Billy much to his disappointment.

"What? All I heard was the sound of your fucking breathing Harrington." Billy huffed as he put out his cigarette, they had been looking for you the whole day it was starting to get dark now still no sign of you. They have Nancy and Johnathan looking as well as the kids too and no one has seen or heard from you.

"STEVE! BILLY!" There it was again this time they heard you as clear as day and both ran opposite ways.

"It was this way dumbass!" Steve yelled.

"No it was clearly this way dipshit!" Billy yelled back at him, they stopped bickering when they heard your cries and screams.

"Never mind it was that way." Steve sighed and followed behind Billy and they could hear you much better as they got closer and they could even make you out with their flash lights in the distance. You were curled up in a ball against a tree, you were in such a state. "Hey it's okay." When Steve put his hand on your shoulder he had to pull away you were freezing. He was about to open his mouth but Billy had beat him to it and throw his jacket over you and had picked you up. Of course Billy was smug about it he found entertainment making Steve jealous.

You clung to Billy's shirt as he carried you, you had calmed down a lot but now that you did you were starting to feel tired and slowly start to drift off except you didn't want to the thought of being unconscious scared you so much you had to force yourself awake.

"Medicine."you mumbled. The boys stopped walking and looked at you then you started to struggle out of Billy's arms and he let you down gently.

"Medicine?" Steve looked at Billy then back at you "Y/n what medicine?" you stayed quiet then looked behind you before sprinting off in that direction.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" Billy shouted then proceeded to run after you with Steve in tow. They couldn't lose you again this time and you weren't as far ahead anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficWhere stories live. Discover now