Chapter 2

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Warnings: language and alcohol

Word Count: 1538

You started making your way out the crowd and outside. How the hell did you get from 2019 to 1984? Steve, Johnathan, Nancy and Billy followed you outside and you had your hands on your head as you took deep breaths to stay calm.

"Wait you said you were form 2019? How is that possible?" Johnathan asked, he had his hand laced with Nancy's.

"I was born in 2002 and seventeen years later it's 2019. How I got here I don't know." You looked at the group behind you.

"How many drinks have you had?" Nancy asked, it's obvious that they don't believe you and why would they? They don't know you. You sigh and pull out your phone and show it to them.

"You see this It's an Iphone and they are really popular in 2019 along with Samsung." They looked at your phone in fascination.

"Okay, we'll deal with this when the party's over." Steve suggested and there was nothing you could really do to argue. Two other people joined the group and you groaned it was Freckles and Red. "God not you two again, I thought I got rid of you both."

"Rude much." Red huffed.

"I didn't like the way you walked away from me while I was talking to you." Freckles glared at you.

"Right listen here buster you got two choices, 1. Get the fuck outta my face and no one gets hurt or 2. Stay and watch the chain on my mood swing snap." You gave him the deadliest galre you could muster and he smirked, crossing his arms.

"You ain't gonna do shit." You smiled and nodded, walking slowly towards him and look up at him before punching him full force and he fell to the ground. You hissed and shook your hand but you were satisfied.

"I warned you." Freckles got up and walked away with Red, you turned your attention back to the group and Billy was doing his best trying to hold in a laugh but it wasn't working while everyone looked at you wide eyed. "Come one, you can't tell me none of you wanted to do that."

"I love this girl she is amazing." Billy laughed.

"Thank you." You smiled proudly at yourself. Nancy grabbed your hand gently to look at your knuckles they were red and no doubt you'll get a bruise. "Don't worry about it, I've kicked plenty of ass back home." You sigh at the thought of home. "Speaking of which where is the nearest motel or something?"

"You can stay at mine." Nancy offered.

"I don't want to be a pain or intrude I don't mind finding a motel." You sa, declining her offer.

"Nonsense, I don't mind and I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind either." You finally agreed but if you had to stay longer then you are finding a motel.

The party went by alright, Billy disappeared with a girl and Nancy told you about his reputation so you stuck with Steve, Johnathan and Nancy, you got a long with all of them pretty well dare you even count them as friends.

"I think we should keep this between us about you being from the future." Steve suggested and you agreed, it was probably safer that way. "We'll just get you a backstory, um you're here to visit family or something."

"Steve, we have school tomorrow what is Y/n going to do?" Johnathan says.

"I'll come along, I'll phone in advance and say that I'm a transfer student. simple." You suggest and it seemed they didn't have any issue with it.

The party ended pretty quick and you stayed to help Steve clean up.

"Thanks for helping." He broke the silence and the two of you threw cans, bottles and plastic cups in the black bags.

"Wake Up." a Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang