Slayin' all day 5

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"This is my bride...Mira" while holding my hands Jimin looked at me and to his father smiling just like he won a lottery.

"I am happy for you my son and also for my soon to be daugher-in-law" His father was very proud of him.

"I want you to have 5 Grandkids"
His father happily laughed.

*Inside my mind*
What the heck?! ../.. 5 Grandkids? Uhhh... so disgusting sh*t well let's just pretend that I'm happy. I think If after we got married it's a lot of hard if I'm gonna marry him, but I am not really sure about my feelings for him. BUT I REALIZED THAT OUR WEDDING WILL BE NEXT WEEK?!!

I also laughed...I looked at Jimin and he looked at me our eyes met.

"I guess you're  excited" Jimin said to me..

unexpectably I replied back to him "yes". I was so ashamed of myself. I'm really not on my own this is not the Mira Sol Berania that I was used to be.

He winked at me.

The staffs cannot say looks like we are the flirtatious couple they ever seen.

After the meeting I told them that I had an emergency at home and I have to go real quick so,,, I didn't  have the chance to eat dinner with them. I ride my luxurious car on my way back home..

[Settings]---Inside Berania's Mansion

I sat on the kitchen table alone and ring the bell to call the maids.
Well I just have to eat my dinner here...


"Yes, Ms. Berania?"

"Make me some dinner"

"What dinner would you like?"

"Umm... Lobster Frittata please~"

"Ok Ms.Berania that's all?"

"Yes, and also make sure to tell Chef Andy to add some more spice on it"

"Okey is that all?"

"Yes, You can go now"

I'll just have to sit in here for hours.
*Phone rings*
Let me check my phone inside my bag someone's calling

Caller: Mother

Oh I remember I still had her number saved on my phone.
Ive been distant to my mother for almost 10 years. I don't know If I can answer the phone right now after what she had done to me and my father.

To be continued...

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