The doctor will see you now

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Y/n's pov~

          "SCP-r/n (random number) get ready." Is what I hear over the speaker as I stand up, walking to the door. I wonder who it is this time. my thoughts were cut short by my door sliding open. walking to the gaurd I let them put the cuffs on me as there is no reason to fight. I use my 'special ability' to read the gaurds mind. Apparently i'm going to vist the Plague Doctor.
         I have heard Dr. Alex speak of him while passing my 'room' or living quarters once or twice. this should be fun! We continue walking till we get to the doctors containment. "walk into the chamber so you can speak with SCP-049." You see, unlike the idiots who work here, I am polite enough to call them by their pressumed name.

           I walk in, hearing a loud click behind me. I walk to the table in the center of the room and wait for Mr.Plague Doctor to arrive. Suddenly, a figure walks over and sits infront of me. "Good evening." They say in a calm fashion. I smile sweetly. "Good evening to you aswell. How are you today?" I ask the doctor. It seems confused. "I am well. What about you?" "I'm fine thank you."
    "SCP-r/n do not come in physical contact." I scoff lightly. "What may your name be?" The plage doctor asks. "You may call me y/n." They nod in understanding. We talk for a while before we were so rudely interupted. "SCP-r/n your time is up." I sigh sadly.

      "I will see you soon doctor." I smile wide as I look at the polite specimen infront of me. "Yes, im sure we will y/n." I get up and walk to the door, waiting to be taken back to my living quarters. Once there I sit on the ground. He was nice.

Plague doctor's or SCP 049's pov~

    I can't get over how she looks, how she looked at me. Her h/l h/c, the way her e/c eyes sparkled in the small amount of light while she was talking to me.

       My stomach feels weird and my face gets warmer the more I think about presiouse y/n. I dont know what this feeling is. All I know is that I want to protect her, comfort her, I WANT her.

(How was that for the first chapter? Sorry it was short and that somethings are spelt wrong.)

finally has a heart to care (SCP x reader)Where stories live. Discover now