Sententia 4

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In this generation we are in, hypocrite people are increasing. Those people in higher class are respected by others and those in lower class are looked down.

Almost everyone wants to be accepted by the society. Some even changed their selves just to please the people that surrounds them. I don't know what everyone told you that made you think of changing who you really are. But let me ask you, "Is pleasing them makes you happy?" "Is forgetting yourself enough to make you happy?"

Of course we all have tried being someone we are not. We have our different reasons of doing it. Maybe because we want to have many friends, be famous or simply to be respected by others.

Therefore, despising other people and making them think of you as someone you are not can lead to complications and can backfire at you in the future. In the end of the day being yourself is the best thing to do rather than letting other people control you to be someone else.

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