Wish on the Horizon

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I wish for the sunset to linger a little longer
Beautiful yet unreachable over yonder
All I could do is to stare at it full of wonder
It left me with so many thoughts to ponder

I wish for the sunset to linger a little longer
Reminisce the days when I was younger
Where the world seems so easy to conquer
So many places I wanted to wander

I wish for the sunset to linger a little longer
Go back to when I first met my lover
So naive, caught on that idea of forever
Hopeless romantic yet a strong believer

I wish for the sunset to linger a little longer
Realized a lot of things as I grow older
Everything seems to be harder
But no matter what – I know I am stonger

I wish for the sunset to linger a little longer
To keep me company as I venture further
Face life with confidence on my shoulder
Giving up? I say –"I will never"

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