For him (dos)

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Hi. How have you been? I guess your happy with her.

Actually I didn't cry for you yet. Well while writing this my tears are trying to fall down but I want to stop myself because my classmates will ask me why I'm crying.

You know, when I saw you the other day I can't help but stare at you but you just stare blankly in front. Maybe you didn't notice my presence that's why you didn't glance at me or maybe you know that I'm there but you choose to avoid my glances.

I wonder, did you really love me? Or you just said those words for the sake of saying it? For the sake of making me fall for you.

Okay now I'm fallen.

But where are you? Your gone. You left me.

I don't have any choice but to close my eyes so I won't see you getting embraced on someone's arms.

Because even if it hurts, even if it pains me so much. I need to accept it.

Anyways be happy with her, stay strong and don't worry I'm trying my best to move on.

Goodbye, that's it for today.

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