Einstein S.Y. 2019-2020

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Everytime I looked at them being happy, everytime we do something crazy and unite as one, shoulder to shoulder I wanna cry a bucket of tears. It's sad that there is this certain point of our lives where we need  to let go and say goodbye to the people we are closed to through so many years.

Imagine going to a new classroom, with new faces, no warm smiles and greetments from your favorite people. Imagine taking a snapchat, damn! even that simple thing can make me remember them: our what we used to's and how much I'll miss them. In the 4 years of being stucked on the 4 corners of our classroom, I met different kinds of people, I made friends that I will cherish forever.

We are halfways through our lives, halfway from achieving our goals and dreams. Let us continue to soar high.

EfflorescenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora