part 2 school

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As I wake up around 6:00am I wake up Alyssa. She takes like three years to get ready so I am not going to let her sleep in. As I get my clothes to change into Alyssa complains that she needs her beauty sleep. As I say "no crackhead what u do need is to get ur ass up and get ready sleepy head". "I mean who am I trying to inpress anyways" Alyssa says as she goes through my closet trying to pick something cute for the day. As she throws all my clothes makeing a mess on the floor complaining because my style "sucks" I throw on some makeup. Just a little concealer, mascara, highlighter and lipgloss. Then I put my hair in a messy bun and pull out strands of hairs to make it look a little more decent. I was wearing some light wash high waisted ripped jeans and a yellow crop top not showing to much if my skin. "Alyssa hurry up we're gonna be late" I yell Alyssa comes out with a full face of make up at a red tube top and black jeans "I'm ready" she says. She has always been the one that wasn't scared to step out of her shell unlike me I can barely even wear a little crop top.

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