part 8 I think...

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I walk in my house and see Alyssa. "Hey how did u get it?" I say Alyssa looks at me in a worried face. "Arianna... U know how thingS kinda got crazy that night?" She says " yeah you where all over that dude" I say smiling. "Well things kinda got crazy and I maybe ended up having sex with out a condom.." "ALYSSA WHAT THW HELL !!?" I say angrily. "Are you pregnant?!" I say with a whole different face on. "I think I am Ari" "Alyssa do u want it? Have u told ur parents? What is gonna happen!?" She starts to cry on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Ari" "it's not ur fault Alyssa" we finally snap out of lala land and get into reality. "I'm going to tell my parents" Alyssa says well getting her phone to call them. I quickly grab the phone "Alyssa are u sure? Have u even told the baby daddy?" "No" she says "Alyssa what are u going to do" Alyssa gets the phone and calls her mom "mom..... I-im pregnant i- I can explai-" I could hear her mom yelling through the phone "COME HOME RIGHT NOW UE DAD IS NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS!!" Alyssa grabs her stuff and say bye to me in a flash. After she left I through my self on my bed and take a nap.

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