Arthur x Workahalic!Reader (Requested)

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Tap tap tap.
The sound of fingers typing filled the bedroom.
Tap tap tap.
Your fingers were sore from the constant efforts.
Tap tap tap.
How long have you been doing this? Three hours? Four?
Tap tap tap.
You must have been in this position for a while as the afternoon sun had turned into twilight and the previously chatty birds had gone silent.
Tap tap tap.
God, you were so tired. All you wanted to do was sleep until you were dead. But you had to get this paper done.
Tap tap tap.
I mean, sure it wasn't due for another 4 weeks but god dammit if the OCD ridden demon inside of you wasn't already screaming about how your teacher already hates you for not getting it done the day she told you about it.
Tap tap tap.
That old hag who seemed to love just-just torturing you with those snide remarks and smug smirks when you weren't the first one to hand in the latest assignment.
Tap tap tap.
Didn't help that she was your aunt.
Tap tap tap.
But that look of sheer annoyance and disgruntled confusion on her face when she realized you had handed that paper in the day after is just to much to give up.
Tap tap tap.
You had to get this paper done.
Tap tap tap.
What's the point if-
You let out a shriek and almost flung your laptop off your lap at the sudden voice from the doorway.
There he's stood, in all his glory, your boyfriend Arthur.
You blinked at him for a moment before regaining your senses and smiling at him.
"Hey, Arty. How was ghost busting?" A yawn escaped your lips completely against your will.
His lips quirked before breaking into a nervous grin.
"I-it was alright I guess. I almost got dropped from a chandelier that a ghost hung me from but Lewis caught me." Arthur sat on the edge of the bed and peeled off his vest and shirt, both drenched with sweat. At this point you weren't surprised. Arthur was such a nervous wreck, it'd be a miracle for him to come home without a ruined shirt.
Arthur leaned back so his back was completely against the mattress and his head was just lined with your lap, where your laptop laid.
His almost rolled into the back of his head as he tilted his head upwards to look at you.
"How long have you been on that?"
"Since I got home."
He frowned.
"But that was 7 hours ago..." he twisted his body so he was laying on his stomach and he placed his head on your stomach, looking up at you with curiously concerned eyes.
"What are you even working on?"
You sigh.
"That English paper my teacher wanted us to work on."
He frowned.
"But that was just given out today, you told me that over text!" He whisper shouted.
"Well, I also said I'd finish it all today!" You whisper shouted back.
"But that thing is 17 pages long!"
"But I can handle 17 pages"
"Oh, like you handled  those 15 other assignments, the ones who weren't due for like, a whole week, all done in under a day?"
It was whisper shouting competition. Neither of you wanted to yell at each other but you both wanted to get your point across.
Just as you were gonna say something else, Arthur raised his head from your stomach and placed a kiss to your lips.
It took you a moment, but you kisses him back.
As you two were kissing, he shut your laptop and carefully pulled it from you lap and onto the bedside table. He pulled you onto his lap as you parted from him.
"All that...just to get me to take a break?" You huffed, smirking.
He let out a bashful giggle before guiding your head to rest in the crook of his neck.
He nuzzled his face into your hair and kissed the crown of your head.
"Yes, you work to hard. Sweet, hardworking people like you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts." He ran a hand through your hair.
You sighed before kissing his neck and closing your eyes.
Boy, if he didn't have you whipped.

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