Haha...What? (Vivi) (Gender Neutral)

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(A/N:Sorry for not updating for a while guys! My mental health has been down the shithole recently and I couldn't find it in me to update. Hopefully I'll be able to update a bit more frequently!)
You were sitting on your couch drinking a cold cup of water. Insomnia right? As you dipped on your drink, you couldn't help but wonder how your girlfriend was doing.

She had just moved in with you and your relationship was pretty good. You loved her and she loved you.

At least that's what you thought.

You had a huge fight the night before and she left the apartment saying she "Just needed to bash some ghosts before she loses it. You just rolled your eyes and let her leave .

How you regretted it now.

Now the apartment room was too quiet. No Vivi blabbering on about ghosts. No Vivi squealing loudly and clinging to you over the tiniest jumpscare during a movie. No Vivi snuggling up to you as you both tried to drift off to sleep.

No Vivi.

Tears welled up in your eyes and you poured the rest of your drink down the sink.

You rested in your forehead against the counter and sighed.

Your head shot up when you heard a loud banging on the door.

You walked towards the door and opened it hesitantly.

Suddenly a small body was flung onto your arms and squealing at the top of their lungs.

You blinked for a moment before realizing the person in your arms was Vivi.

You pulled her away door the door and closed it for the both of you.

You walked her over, Vivi still clinging to you, and sat her down on the couch.

"Woah Blue, take a breath and tell me what's going on." You told her.

She took a deep breath and spoke again.


You blinked again.

"Haha...wait whAt?!"

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