The King's Special Mate

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i growled in frustration and anger. for years i watched as everyone found their mate. i'm the Prince for Goddess sake! i looked throughout my father's kingdom searching for her. she was nowhere to be found. finally Father came to the conclusion that my mate was in the outlands.

the outlands was a place where wolves long ago had left to find a place of their own outside the kingdom. they soon forgot the kingdom ever existed. when males travel to find their mate they find they have no knowledge at all of a kingdom of wolves. we dontjudge them now since most of the ones that left died out. the ones remaining were never taught of the kingdom.

if they are ever shown the kingdom then they must vow loyalty to their King who is the ruler of all wolves. on my twenty-first birthday i would take over for my father. it was coming up in four months and i needed to find my mate. a King was never complete without his Queen.

recently the evil creatures have been sturring restlestly as though something big was coming. i'm not sure what but i do know that i would need all of my strength and my peoples when it came.

i sighed before making plans a month from now to go to the outlands to find my mate who has eluded me for twenty years.


i wanted to scream in frustration. my sister Naida had found her mate. it seemed all of my sibling had found their mate as well as my friends. i felt like there wasnt a guy out there for me. most were scared of me any way.

i am one of four. my mother is the Patronus, or protector, and my father is the Alpha of the strongest, and largest, pack in the U.S. Also each of their four children, who are quadruplets, was born with an element at their command once they changed for the first time.

Avenish was born with the symbol for earth. he was large with a muscular build, but he was as sweet and gentle as a newborn lamb until you riled him, which i tended to do a lot. he has brown air the color of rich warm earth freshly turned with light chocolaty brown eyes. he could make trees grow from nothing and move earth with the blink of an eye.

Ciro was born with wind. He was tall and lean though muscular. his hair was a light, golden blond while his eyes were deep silver. he loved to learn anything and everything and was very quiet.

Naida was born with water. she had long black hair that flowed down her back in cute ringlets. her body was short yet curvy. her eyes the dark depths of an ocean. she was as gentle and sweet as the springs you find in the forest near where we live. i've never seen her mad and she was a complete Daddy's girl.

i was born with the element of fire. people say it's why i have a short temper, but i dont really. i just get angry when people try to mess with me just to watch my hair. you see, i had hair white as snow until you got down about two inches from the ends, which were solid black and no matter how many times you cut them they instantly turn black two inches from the ends. it looked really cool n layers all mixed with white and black.

the strange thing about my hair was that when i got angry the black would turn red. the angrier i was the darker it got until when i was furious it would turn bright blue. i had only ever been that angry once. it was when a boy broke my sister's heart and he had paid for it by having his hair burned off.

my eyes were a bright blue but mixed in with it were red flecks and gold wrapped around the iris. i was tall, almost taller than Avenish, but with c cup breasts and a round butt most people call a bubble butt. my legs were longer than anything else. i liked my body and how i looked. the only problem is guys didnt. that or they were too scared of my element.

when i was angry my hands would also glow. i could make fire appear in my hand and flick it around easily. i loved my element.

my wolf was a pure white wolf except for the black that lined my sides making it look like flames, and the black going over the top part of my tail and the tips of my ears. the black reacted just like the rest of my hair.

it could be very intimidating to face a wolf as tall as an 18 hands horse that was on fire with flashing teeth. on my wolf the black didnt just change color. if i was angry enough or i wanted it to flames would come alive on the black and up around my paws.

the only thing i didnt like was not having my mate. my wolf ached for the feel of her mate's arms around her and the love that would surround us. i sighed shaking my head before getting ready for my last day of school. a plan was forming in my head.

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