Chapter 10

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I was still deep asleep laying on Paul's chest with his hands running through my hair at noon the next day.

The whole night Paul had made love to me and showed me a lot of different things. My wolf was purring inside at having finally mated with her mate.

I buried my nose farther down into his neck and breathed in his scent. It was now forever mixed with mine and i loved it!

For the next two days we never left our room. Servants brought up our meals that we shared together on the bed or on the couch cuddled up watching tv.

The rest of that time was spent getting to know each other body, heart, and soul.

I learned so many new things about him. One of those things being that he loved to share a bath. When i went into the bathroom for the first time i nearly fainted.

The same bathroom that had been at the mansion was now here except much larger! I was in heaven. If this was a dream i never wanted to wake up!

Id never taken so many showers in such a short amount of time in my life! After our baths and a lot of pouty faces Paul would rub the knots from my shoulders and body. This always ended with him finding some way to get me turned on enough to let him ravish me senseless, not that that took much convincing anyway.

On the third day Paul got up a lot earlier than i wanted and i made sure to let him know that i wa very unhappy. He had te audacity to laugh at me as i curled into a tight, warm ball and groaned.

"Come on sleepy head. As much as i'd like to we cant stay in this room forever. Today's your coronation." This announcement caused me to sit straight up.

"Oh no i forgot all about it!" I said dismayed. "Being with me tends to do that," he said winking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Whats that suppose to mean?" "Oh just being with me tends to make people forget things." He said not eventhinking about his words.

"What kind of people, may i ask, tend to forget things around you," i said getting angry now. No one touches my mate! I bet it was those blond bimbos. They are so going down today!

When he looked at me i saw shock written all over his face. "Babe i'm only joking calm down. I'm yours an i always have been." He said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. I sighed before letting the closeness of his body comfort me.

"Can i just say you look sexy as hell when you're jealous," he said winking down at me. I raised an eyebrow at him before saying, "i guess i nee to find a new mate. One that doesnt like to tease me constantly. Hmm who would work." As i said this i walked away running my hand through my hair like i often did to think.

Suddenly my body was spun around and my back was against the wall. "You are my mate. No one else will touch you," Paul said. His eyes were pitch black and his fangs had come out.

I nuzzled into his neck kissing the mark i gave him and purring. His body instantly relaxed. "How does it feel being jealous?" I asked smirking against his neck. "Okay you win no more making each other jealous," he said kissing my temple since my lips were against his neck.

"I love winning," i said against his neck before running my tongue up until i got to his jaw. I felt him shiver and open his mouth to say something, but when he did there was a knock on the door.

He pulled away and hid me behind him seeing as i was only in my underwear before calling out, "what do you want."

"I am here to prepare Princess Azara for her coronation," a female voice said.

I ran into the closet while Paul got the door. I quickly changed into some shorts and one of Paul's shirts.

I froze when i came out of the closet. Standing there smiling flirtasiously at my mate who ignoring her completely was one of the blond bimbos.

"Thank you but i can dress myself. You may go," i said holding back my disgust. No way would i allow her to do my makeup.

"But the Queen's women chose me to dres you," she said in a snoty voice as she turned from my mate to me.

"I do not care who chose you. I did not. Now leave before i lose my temper," i said glaring at her. Her eyes narrowed and thats when Paul stepped in.

"Your Princess asked you to leave. Now go before i allow her to lose her temper, and trust me you'd rather deal with the palace guards than her," he said angrily.

She looked at him confused then back at me before spinning around and marching out of the room like she owned the place.

"The impudence of that woman! I can't believe my mother allows her to stay here," Paul said angrily. I smiled at him giving him a kiss before i shoed him out of the room. "I'll dress myself. Send someone up to get me when it's time," i said giving him another kiss before i shut the door.

I sighed before i walked over to my closet. I spent two hours inside my closet trying to find the perfect dress. It was taking forever! There were so many dresses and none of them screamed ME!

I was about to give up and call in help when i moved the very last dress. Behind it was it. The perfect dress.


I paced around the hall with my parents smiling at me. Where was she? Women! Why do they have to take so bloody long to get ready!

"Paul?" I heard my angel's voice say. I spun around only for my breath to catch.

She was wearing a bright, bright blue dress with white heels. The dress flowed around her body accentuating her curves ad bringing out the blue of her eyes. He hair was in curls down her back, and with her highlights it had a striking effect. A light scattering of makeup with dark eyeliner, mascara , and some shadow eye completed the effect. She looked absolutely breathtaking!

I walked over and pulled her up for a deep, long kiss that had her body melting against me.

My father clearing his voice had us breaking apart. I smiled at him before pulling my mates arm through mine before following them out the door.

When we arrived at the arena all of the seats were full and people were standing up along the wall and between the isles. Never had there been so many people here.

We took our places on the platform at one end before the big screen over the arena lit up showing us to everyone. A cheer went up before my father called for silence.

"Everyone. Today is a very special day! My son has found his mate and we are here to present her to you as our Princess!" A cheer went up again and he had to call for silence.

"Here she is. Your new Princess, Azara!" He said loudly before the screen presented Azara standing confidently beside me with her arm through mine. She smiled and waved at everyone. The cheers were outstanding!

"Now as tradition calls if there are any females that wish to challenge our Princess for her title let them gather below behind the arena doors. One at a time you shall challenge her. I must warn you though, she's rather hot headed," he gave them a wink causing another cheer.

I smiled at him before i looked at the crowd. I saw several girls stand up and make there way to the doors. I frowned at them before i looked down at my mate. She smiled and gave me a wink before she reached up and kissed me before heading down to her gate.

Well here we go. The battle is about to begin

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