Chapter 4

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sorry for the long wait! i've been so busy! i'm tryin to upload as much as possible im sorry its taking so long. i havent gotten very many likes or comments. is there anything y'all want me to add or change?


My mate was amazing! when he found me crying he pulled me into his lap and said soothing words to me. i've never felt more comforted and safe in my life! When he told me he was happy that i was his mate it made my heart soar! i ment what i said when i told him i loved his name. it suited him perfectly.

he was very tall with long brown hair that fell in his eyes and made my hands itch to run through it. long eyelashes framed his strange mix of blue and green eyes. his shoulders were broad and deliciously muscular.

"i'm glad you like my name," he said giving me a big smile. we were very close and my wolf wanted us a whole lot closer. i laid back down against his chest cuddling into him. i felt his arms wrap around me and hold me close. i sighed in pleasure and raised my head till my face rested in his neck.

i breathed against his neck and i felt him shiver. this gave me an idea. i slowly let my tongue snake out and run along his neck. he shivered again and i heard a faint groan come from him as his hands tightened around me.

i started to trail slow kisses up his neck hoping i was doing this right. when i got to his ear lobe i gently nipped it before sucking on it like my sister had told me drove her mate wild. i felt his arms become a cage around me as he shivered and looked down at me. "You play a dangerous game love."

i felt a challenge in his words and i sat up and straddled him pushing my body as close to his as i could where our chests were smashed together. it felt amazing! i slowly kissed up his neck and trailed kisses along his jaw line before i kissed all around his mouth avoiding his lips which made him growl. Dang his growls were sexy! it sent a shiver down my spine just thinking about it.

i felt his hands go into my hair and run through it before he grabbed some close to my neck an pulled back gently till my head was back giving him full access to my lips. his met mine hungrily and my mind went blank for a moment. this was my first kiss. i wanted to save myself for my mate. i could tell when he noticed for he paused for a moment before i felt him growl in approval before he kissed me so, so gently that it made my heart melt.

i moved my lips with his and made a bold move. i opened my mouth and slid my tongue along his lips. when he tried to meet my tongue with his i pulled away before going back. he growled saying, "Your a tease." "You know you like it," i whispered in a sexy voice and i heard him groan.

i moved my lips back to his and slid my tongue inside to meet his. he tasted so good! i couldnt get enough of his taste and the fell of him against me. his hard body agaisnt my soft one. he moved his lips down to my neck and a moan slipped out before i could stop it as he found my secret spot just behind my ear.

i felt him go hard beneath me and i smiled. he kissed my neck before moving up to kiss along my ear. he whispered in my ear causing a delicious shiver to go down my spine, "Can i mark you." joy filled me as i leand my head to the side giving him full access to my neck. that was all he needed.

his fangs extended before they bit into my neck. i gasped at the rush of pure ecstacy it brought. my hands of their own will went to his hair and pushed his lips harder agaisnt my neck as i rocked my hips against his bulge. i moaned loudly at all the pleasure i was getting. with his teeth still in my neck i felt his tongue flick out and lick my neck as his hand went down to my thrusting hips.

when he grabbed my clit and started rubbing me through my shorts i moaned loudly and thrused my hips in time to his hand. so much pleasure was building up in me and i didnt know how much more i could take! "Paul.. Help me... i dont know how much more i can take," i moaned out thrusting harder agaisnt his hand.

The King's Special MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin