Chapter 13

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Just to clear something up Ssenkrad is a male. I just got some commets and i wanted to make things clear before i go more into the story!


It was nearly dawn by the time i collapsed on the ground. I was so tired from te running and jumping fire had made me do because it was such a playfull element. It doesnt mean to destroy, but it cant play without destroying things except through a vessel like me that wont die from having it aroud and inside her.

I didnt know where i was, but i was too tired to care. I laid down in the shade of a tree and soon fell deeply asleep.

**One of the Kidnappers**

This was perfect. The wolf had run more than halfway back to our lands! It was now sleeping off it's run under a tree.

We had to do this fast before the sun rose! We each took out a dart gun filled with sleep sedatives and took aim.

The wolf didnt even flinch as the darts hit her. Since she was already asleep and we'd shot her with so much sleep sedatives we decided to just grab her and go.

We had to sling her over two of our shoulders because she was so big. Once she was settled we took off in a ground eating jog.

We were nearly in our lands when the blasted wolf started to awaken. Shit i didnt think about fire! She was it's earth vessel and fire ran hot through her veins. It would sear the sleeping sedatives out of her system ten times faster than a normal person!

"Guys set her down and get back. Grab your dart guns and short her with three darts each," i said and watched as the did my commands.

She had opened up one eye before we shot her again and you could see the struggle in her to stay awake. She was still too weak from fire's run, so eventually she went under again.

"Lift her up and lets go," i said to the two that had dropped her. They looked at me before carefully picking her up again.

We got into our lands and was nearly at the Lord's castle when her body shifted. She was a very, very beautiful woman. Her hair was a mixture of black and white while her eyes and face showed a very kind demeanor when she wasn't provoked.

Now only one had to carry her and since we were close i chose to do it. Not long after we arrived at the castle.

It was a ver dark and forboding structure. The moat was nothing but a pit that fell into darkness. No one knew what lay below.

We crossed te drawbridge before heading inside. Lord Ssenkrad met us in the hall. "Ah i'm so very glad you didnt disappoint me. Bring her to the cages," he said before leading us through the castle and down a flight of stairs.

Inside the room was a row of cages. There were a few wolves down here for reasons i didnt know about. "Strip her of her clothes then chain her up by her arms," he ordered before leaving us.

I looked at the men nervously. We never liked measing with women seeing as we all had mates of our own. Our fear of Ssenkrad overweighed our uncertainty though.

We stripped her clothes avoiding looking at her body before we chained her up by her arms with her feet off te ground.

We left there as quickly as possible.


I was daydreaming when Paul came crashing through the palace screaming, "Azara's been taken!" I sat up instantly before running to him.

"What do you mean Azara's been taken? Taken where?" "She's been kidnapped. We followed her trail after she ran away with fire and came across a cold trail of people carrying her away. There were three darts on the ground where her body laid."

At this my face paled. It cant be. She cant be gone!

"We have to find her! Do you have any idea where she might be?" I saw his face darken. "Yes i know exactly where she is

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