Chapter 17

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I broke away from Paul's death grip only to be swarmed in a huge hug by my family.

"Oh Azara i'm so glad you're alright!" Mom said in a strange voice. I turned to see tears in her eyes and i ran to her arms," oh Mama!" We sank to the ground both of us crying. Dad put his arms around us both n we were soon joined by my three siblings and their mate.

"I hate to brake up all of the love but we need answers," the King said smiling down at us.

I pulled away from them and went to Paul's arms as he led us into the palace. We all sat down in a sort of office that was filled with comfy couches and tables. Paul pulled me down to sit in his lap before he burried his head in my neck taking deep breaths of my scent. I miss his strong, comforting arms around me making me feel safe and loved!

Mom sat down on the love seat beside us and Dad joined her after kissing my head. When everyone was seated, including Jake and Serena, the King spoke, " we need you to tell us what happened. Every small detail could lead to a clue as to why this happened and a way to destroy the monster that took you."

I began by saying, "i hope you dont classify all of the vampires with Ssenkrad. He's not a vampire. He's something much more dangerious, something twisted and evil."

"No i wasnt classifying all of them, but a few deserve it after some of the things they've done."

"Sir, if i may, Ssenkrad has a form of hypnosis and can make you do something without you realizing your doing it. It sends you into a fantasy land while your body does his biding," Serena spoke up. "Well that helps my view point," he said smiling at her.

I began to tell my story with Serena editing it from her view point. I kept having to pause becuase of Paul's growls an by the end his arms were super tight around me, but not enough to hurt.

When i got to the part about the ghost image i said," there was an image after i woke up in a dark corner calling my name. She said Ssenkrad had angered fire and that he wouldn't be able to drain my powers anymore. It also said because of him my son is half light an half dark. He will have to fight against the darkness until he won, but i dont understand what she means by that. How could my son be dark and light?"

"I think i can answer that question," Serena spoke up again making us all look at her. She shrank back into Jake's arms who pulled her close and nuzzled her neck.

"Rememer what i said about the hypnosis thing? Well i think he used that on you." "What do you mean?" I asked dreading her answer. "I think he used the hypnosis on you sending your mind somewhere else so he could rape you without you fighting," she said looking down in disgust and sorrow.

I couldnt form a word or even move until Paul's ferocious growl startled me. Tears stung my eyes as i stood looked at him. He was fighting for control of his wolf and i could tell he was losing. Suddenly he pushed me away from him before his body burst into his wolf. His eyes were black as night as he growled angrily. I sank down into a corner of the room as they tried to calm him down.

I covered my face with my hands and began to sob. This cant be true, Luna please tell me it's not true!

Would Paul hate me now for allowin this to happen? He did push me away. A heart wrenching sob tore from my mouth as i considered this.


When i learned that that sick bastard had raped my mate i couldnt control my wolf any longer. He wanted to kill the sick man who had done this.

I pushed Azara out of my arms so she wouldnt get hurt right before my wolf took over. Angry growls were coming from our chest as we thought of all the ways we would kill him.

Suddenly people were in front of me talking.

Dad, "son change back this instant! You're not helping anyone by going wolf."

Mom," son please change back you're scaring everyone!"

Liam," boy i know it's hard and trust me i want to murder the bastard who did this to my daughter, but you need to take control and shift back."

And finally Lissa, "son look at you're mate. You're scaring her and she needs you right now. This is harder on her than it is on you."

The last one broke through to my wolf. He looked over to see our mate huddled up in a corner of the room crying her heart out into her hands in wrenching sobs that shook her whole body.

He walked over to her whimpering softly at each noise she made. His ears laid back as he laid down in front of her rubbing his head against her till she looked up. When she did he licked her face trying to get all of the tears and down to her neck. This caused her to smile slightly before more tears cane.

I finally was able to phase back and i pulled my mate into my arms. The room had cleared giving us some privacy as i tried to comfort my mate.

"Love i'm so sorry. I will kill Ssenkrad for this!" I said with venom as i played with her hair and held her close.

"Do you hate me?" She asked in a small voice. "Why would i hate you?" I asked in an incredulous voice. The idea of hating my mate was disgusting to me. I loved her with all my heart!

"For letting him get to me. For not being strong enough to stop it. For letting somethin terible happen to our child i didnt even know i was carrying," as she said this she rubbed her stomach as more tears came.

"Love look at me," i pulled her head up to face me. "I love you now and forever. Since the first time i laid eyes on you i could see nothing else. You're my world now. I dont blame you for what happened and i'd be a sorry mate if i did. It wasn't your fault in any way. Ssenkrad was too strong. This is our child. Son of fire. He will be strong and a fighter. No matter what he will always be my son," i said.

I watched as more tears filled her eyes, except this time he was smiling a happy smile. "I love you Paul," she said as she cupped my face in her hands. "I love you too Azara," i said before kissing her.


Finding out that my cousin ha been raped had me nearly going wolf too. The only thing stopping me was my mate in my arms.

At the moment we were outside of the room to allow Paul to talk to Azara in private. My mate was in front of me with my arms around her with her head bowed.

As i looked at her i could tell she was crying silently. "Sweetheart what's wrong," i murmured against he neck. "She's hurt right now because of me. I should of kept my mouth shut. Its all my fault," she said as she continued to cry.

I turned her around in my arms and made her look at me. She was so beautiful! Her small body molded perfectly with mine and made me feel super protective of her.

"Love this isn't your fault. You gave an answer to a question we needed to know. It's Ssenkrad's fault for doing this not yours. You helped her escape and get back home. Your a hero to her, and my hero. I've barely known you, but i already love you more than life itself," i said as i watched a small smile flit across her face.

"Do you mean that? Your not mad or sad about me being a vampire?" "I ment everything i said and no im not! It's rather a turn on actually," i said as i lightly bit her neck. She gave me the satisfaction of watching her eyes close as she bit her lip in pleasure.

I cant wait to make her fully mine! She was everything i'd ever wanted and everything i never thought to ask for

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