💎Skylar joins Stray Kids💎

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I get asked a lot how I came to be a member of Stray Kids since it was well known that I was the first female to debut in a boy band.

I had been a trainee at JYP entertainment for just under a year and hadn't long known Bang Chan. At this time, Bang Chan had been putting together a new JYP male project. At that time there were only seven members, but I knew he was looking for more.

Me on the other hand, I had been apart of a female trainee group for a while but it was when they expressed they wanted to go for more of a light and school-girl kind of vibe that I decided to leave. That style just wasn't me, and there was no way I could see myself running around on stage in bright, neon coloured skirts.

That meant that I was right back to where I started in the company. Training pretty much every day for hours on end, trying to figure out where I could fit in and where I could go. I hated it, but at the same time, it was my dream.

I knew I was a good performer and I knew I wanted to entertain people. How I was going to do that, I wasn't sure yet.

I sighed to myself as I made my way through the halls of JYP entertainment. I was currently on my way to one of the dancing studio's to train when I heard the sounds of music coming from one of the recording studios.

I didn't want to be nosy, but I was interested in what was going on. I peeked through the window in the door to see Bang Chan, along with the other two members of his group 3RACHA inside.

I smiled to myself as I saw Jisung, the youngest rapper, at the mic rapping to something. It was hard to believe that he was just 16 and he sounded that professional. It just wasn't something that was seen very often these days.

I ducked out of view just as Chan's head turned towards the door. I took this as my cue to leave and began to make my way down the hallway just as the door to the studio opened, causing me to wince, damn it.

"Skylar, is that you?" I heard the Australian called out.

I turned to face him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was just on my way to the dance studio."

"It's fine Skylar. We don't mind," He smiled.

I returned to gesture. "I should get going, I need to train."

"I heard about what happened with the girl project. I don't think it's fair," He commented.

Word must travel fast around here.

I shrugged. "It's alright Chan, I will figure out where I need to be eventually. Even if that means it's not with JYP or even in Korea."

I could see Chan thinking to himself before he gestured for me to come over to him. "Why don't you come in here with us? I don't think you've really had to chance to get to know the rest of the boys yet."

I accepted his offer and walked back towards the studio where Chan ushered me inside where the other two members of 3RACHA, Jisung and Changbin were sitting on the couch inside.

"Guys, you remember Skylar right?" Chan asked, looking between the pair of them while I just stood awkwardly in the room.

They both nodded. "Yeah, I saw you in the girl project," Jisung commented.

I smiled lightly just as Chan gently pushed me into the office chair beside us. "Yeah, well those girls have gone in a direction Skylar doesn't want to go towards."

"So, they got rid of you?" Changbin asked, his eyes widened.

"Actually, I chose to leave so they could do what they wanted to do," I answered.

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