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Lisa's POV

12:17 am

The clock already strikes to a new day. A new beginning for everyone but I guess not for me. Because here I am wishing to freeze the time. Hoping she could still come. Hoping everything is just a prank.

In my own world, it is just 11:77 pm.

Too bad, the joke is on me. I wiped my tears using my palm as I glanced at the photo on my phone.

"Fuck this tears" I hastily stood up. I need a breather. This is suffocating me already.

After getting some fresh air, I stayed at Jisoo unnie. I need her more than anyone right now. She is like my mother, sister and bestfriend rolled into one person.

She listen to me wholeheartedly. It is only to her that I lay myself bare. I am not afraid to cry infront of her because I know she won't judge me. She just gave me a comforting hug while I let out all of my emotions.

I didn't know how I managed to get up and attend my classes after that night. I have no motivation at all. But Jisoo unnie really persuaded me to do so. She said, it is only me who can help myself get through this phase. Which is true though. She also used the 'You cannot fail in any of your class or else goodbye Archery club'. This sport is one of the driving force that keeps me going. My mom has always been supportive on my passion for Archery. That is why even time I play, I feel like she is still here with me. She is there in the front row of the heavens, cheering for me proudly.

My week also consisted of Jennie trying to talk to me and explain everything. But I turn her down every single damn time. One thing is for sure, I cannot give her that any time soon.


"Don't forget to study for our exam next meeting" Ms. Jessica reminded the class who were busy exiting the room since it is already lunch time.

"Lis, let's go" Seulgi unnie called me and we made our way out. We are classmates in this class.

"Dahyun, Tzuyu and Jisoo are already at our usual place" She told me to which I replied "Okay"

Then suddenly, she wrapped her arm on my shoulder. "Oh, come on! Cheer up, Cupid! I'm sure Jennie has a valid reason why wasn't able to come that night. So stop sulking there and talk to her already" I just rolled my eyes. Easier said than done, Captain.

We continued walking and along the way, she kept on telling me stories about her partner awhile ago since we were tasked to work by pair by Ms. Jessica in answering the seatwork she prepared.

"She asked for a video greeting for a friend so I thought its just 1 so I told her 'Yeah, sure. Why not?'. Then she began telling me that the other friend might get jealous so she asked for another one and so on and so forth. Dude, we ended up wasting 15 mins doing that because she kept on insisting last one, last one! I thought we will not make it on time. Luckily, we did" Seulgi unnie ranted frustratedly.

"And you still did them, right?" I told her in a matter of fact tone. This unnie hardly say no to anyone. She's just so generous to the point that sometimes she forgets to put herself first. She can be a hero, i know.

She sighed. "Yeah, I still owe her 4 video greetings in our next class. OH MY GOD!!" She halted as her eyes went wide. "Go ahead first. I'll just meet you there"

"Where are you going?" I asked confusedly.

"I forgot my assignment for Calculus in my locker. I haven't finished it yet" She answered while jogging back to the locker area.

I could only sigh and started walking again with unnie's words in my head.

Talk to Jennie? Tsk.

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