I Know It's A Lot, The Hair, The bod.

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Calmly strolling into the kitchen my hands hit Cameron on the back of the head and I washed them. He handed me some potatoes and I began to peel them. Just as I had done that I jumped up. Almost ran to the draw and grabbed a knife out. Only a little one as they were little potatoes.

"What are you making?" John walked in as though he was lost. Smii7y wasn't far off speaking to someone else. Laughing and also joking.

"Chips. Fancy helping?" He nodded and then I handed the knife over to him. Getting my own. But as I walked back I slipped. The knife landing not too far off as I fell and my face smashed the ground. I felt my head hit back as the bounce caused it to land again.

I laughed but only to stop the pain and as I sat up I didn't even have to touch my nose to check. It was bleeding so I stood up. Giving off a few swear words and my hands also cupping my nose.

"The fuck did you do?" Smii7y stood at the doorframe and leant against it. I wiped my nose and kept my eyes on him. Making sure he was always visible and not up to things he shouldn't have been.

"Don't act like you didn't see." He nodded at me and walked over to me. His chest against my back and arms around me.

"Persistent bugger." He rested his face in the crook of my neck and I felt his breath all up and down me. Goosebumps forming as he did so and he could feel them.

"Only with you." I blew my nose and kept the tissue to blow it again. Trying to rid my nose of the stuff. Iron filled my senses.

"I'll believe that when I see it." Flushing the toilet I saw blood down my outfit and so my room was headed to. Smii7y seemed to leave me be as I did this and I hadn't expected that from him.

I threw on some leggings and a loose top so I was basically in pyjamas as the steps were traipsed down and then the kitchen entered. There were a few of our friends over. A few of the boy's girlfriends and their friends as they sat on the sofa.

"Right. Is there anything more I can do?" My eyes caught sight of the clean floor and then I looked at Cam who smiled. Giving me a hug before pushing me into the living room.

"Not risking that again." He blurted and my eyes met the room again. Trying to pick out a place to sit. Only, the sofa was covered in people so I chose the floor but as I went to sit Smii7y called me to sit with him and then Tyler to grow some and just do it.

"Smii7y likes. I have met him a fair few times. He has never done this before, have you now." Trisha spoke from the side of the sofa. Commenting on me sat on his lap as he played with my hair and tickled my back occasionally.

"Yes Smii7y does and Crumpet likes but she won't do it." My elbow met with Tyler as he said this and Smii7y laughed at them all. Not a word spoken. So, as a form of pulling my head from the situation I grabbed my phone and text my parents.

When that was exhausted, I stood and got up to see what I could do to help those in need. Basically Cameron as Mason assaulted him in the kitchen.

"Mason. Stop messing about. Why don't you just go and get everyone for dinner?" Clear thoughts passed through his head before Cameron told me dinner was too far away to do that.

"Why don't you teach them some dancing?" I swung around and looked at Smii7y with a pair of angry eyes. He seemed to swallow down some saliva before Mason pulled me into the front room.

"I can't dance." I spoke and pleaded with the room but they seemed to be up for it. They all stood and looked, waiting for me to go and Anthony even told me to hurry along.

"What? What could I possibly teach you?" As I stood tapping my foot Craig held one large shit eating grin. Before he spoke up to the room.

"I wanna twerk all sexy like." I smiled and told them to stand how they thought it was supposed to happen and I laughed. Not one of them seemed to be in an ideal situation at all.

"Right. Bring your butt out. Not using your knees. Pop it. Then separate your knees to just off your shoes. A little further back Scotty. Then, rest your hands on the tops of your knees. You don't use your back or your knees too much. Basically you thrust and go for it." Some of them looked alright but then again they didn't.

"Stop using your knees so much. Actually your knees should hardly move compared to your pelvis." That seemed to help some as they got closer. Anthony was by far one of the worst ever.

"Alright. I have had enough of this shitty idea Mini. Can we do something else? I want to look majestic and sexy." John heckled and I thought when suddenly Scotty and Evan began to do a demo point spin. Acting like a pair of ballerinas.

"I can teach you that. A demi point turn. A really simple one." They seemed skeptical of that and when I did one they looked at me as if I had just told them my plot to kill the owners of YouTube.

"It's simple. Hands together, fingers crossed at your belt line, your non dominant foot moves out, and you move anticlockwise or clockwise. Either way, backwards and then when you have spun about 180° bring your foot to meet your knee." I showed it again and they looked just as baffled at me.

"Just try it." As I said that Toby and Jay fell into one another. I laughed but helped them up as they saw other people all squeaking on the floor. Trying to spin over and over. Not a lot better than their attempt.

"Are you alright?" They nodded and I was crying practically as I walked back and tried to not get hit. Failing miserably when Evan got a little too happy. I waved it off and got to the front.

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