"louist.91 has added you"

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(Harry's POV)

It was an ordinary day, Harry had been home from school since 4pm and it was now 6pm, he had just gotten finished with dinner and a shower and decided to head to bed.

He had the television on in the background but he wasn't fully paying attention, he was mostly on his phone scrolling through instagram or checking twitter.

As he was scrolling he saw a notification from snapchat pop up at the top of his screen, "louist.91 has added you as a friend".

It didn't really bother Harry since people added him all the time so, he just kept scrolling through twitter for about an hour. After he was bored of twitter and instagram, he clicked onto the snapchat icon, he opened some snaps, mostly peoples streaks, when he saw that someone added him. He clicked onto the plus and saw "Louis Tomlinson has added you as a friend".

"Who is Louis Tomlinson" he thought, not letting it bother him, he accepted the request.

He decided to call it a night and decided to put his phone up. As he was plugging it in, he saw a notification that said "Louis Tomlinson is typing...", Harry waited for a moment to see what Louis was going to say, the typing went away, then came back, then when away again.

"Well, that was weird" Harry thought.
He continued plugging his phone in and sat it on the night stand, asking himself, "Do i really have to go to school tomorrow?"

About five minutes later he had drifted to sleep.

who is louist.91? //larry stylinson Where stories live. Discover now