The Date

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i haven't updated in a bit, lol i know you don't care but here's the date... ALSO this is going to be my longest chapter so at so get your snacks ready and get comfortable.

Louis and Harry quickly ran one door to Louis car trying to avoid getting soaked by rain.

Once they got there Louis opened Harry's door while he climbed inside then Louis ran to the drivers side, almost slipping on the water, and got into the car. We he got in, all he could hear was Harry dying of laughter.

"Oh my god, you almost busted your ass" Harry said, trying to catch his breath

"It's crazy, I almost fell for you" Louis said, quickly changing it to "I mean, I almost fell in the rain" he chuckled

"Oh yea, wouldn't want you falling for me-" Harry said while Louis turned on the radio "not just yet" Harry thought.

— — — —

They arrived at the mall. Pulling in and looking at all of the restaurants.

"What cha want to eat" louis asked

"Ummm I don't know" Harry replied.

Of course he knew exactly where he wanted to go, he wanted to go to the most romantic restaurant in the mall, California Dreaming, but he couldn't tell Louis about that.

"What about there?" Louis asked, pointing to a restaurant in the back

Harry's heart sank as he felt like Louis just read his mind. Louis was pointing to California Dreaming, the most romantic place here.

"I love that place" Harry blushed

"Me too, the inside is really nice" Louis smirked

Louis then parked the car and got out, before Harry could unbuckle his seatbelt, Louis was there opening the door for him.

"Wow, he's a real gentleman" Harry thought.

As they got closer to the restaurant, Louis opened the door, for the third time today, "Damn, he's good" Harry thought.

When the got inside, they went straight to the hostess table and got a table for two. This restaurant was always busy so it was a really big place. They followed a lady to the back of the restaurant in a separate room where they were seated. There was only about 6 tables in the tiny room, but there was no one at any of the tables, just Louis and Harry which made them both excited.

"This room was empty and i figured you guys would like being alone" the woman said. "Enjoy your meals" she said, Harry and Louis both thanked her before she handed them their menus then she left.

A few moments of silence went by but Harry could feel Louis staring at him. Louis' heart was racing because he was sat across from the most beautiful, most kind person he's ever met. Harry looked up from his menus and Louis quickly looked away, trying to hide his smile with a slight cough. Changing the subject before Harry questioned why Louis was staring at him, Louis asked "What would you want?"

Harry desperately wanted to say that all he wanted was Louis but instead he said "I guess i'll have chicken tenders".

"You're kidding, right?" Louis laughed

"Hey, what's wrong with chicken tenders" Harry giggled.

"You're at this nice, fancy restaurant and u want to get chicken tenders?"

"No, i really don't. I just wanted something to talk about" Harry laughed

"Oh" louis said "We'll look longer, we can't go bowling and see a movie on an empty stomach" Louis laughed.

"Wow, he was serious about the bowling and movie stuff" Harry thought.

"Alright, bloody hell" Harry said sarcastically.

Louis melted when he heard Harry swear. Louis didn't think he would be able to spend the whole day together without wanting so kiss every inch of Harry's body. Just as Louis was imagining this he was interrupted by another young lady.

"Hello, i'm Jennifer and i'll be your server today" she said "Could i get you guys anything to drink? Tea, coffee, water?" she asked

"Yes please, I'll have a coffee and can you give me and extra shot of that caramel creamer" Harry said looking at Louis.

Louis was baffled by the way Harry said that, he was now a stuttering mess, "Uhh, yes, um, i- i-, ill h-have the same please" Louis stuttered

"Alright, i'll be right back" she said

A couple of minutes past and Jennifer was back. She sat down Louis coffee first and then Harry's, but when she set Harry's down she said "He ya go love, with an extra shot of my caramel creamer".

Harry cringed harder than he ever had before and he wanted nothing to do with this woman anymore, she then slid her hand onto his shoulder and asked "What would you like to eat"

Louis was boiling, he wanted this woman gone and he wanted her gone now. He liked Harry. He thinks Harry like him, and Louis wanted it to stay just "Louis and Harry", she was not getting in the way. "Excuse me" Louis said, breaking the woman's stare away from Harry, Louis was about to make a big move and he was hoping Harry would be fine with it.

"Could you please let go of my boyfriend" Louis said.

Harry was blown away that Louis just called him his boyfriend.

"Boyfriend?" Jennifer asked

"Yes, Boyfriend" Harry said, staring at Louis

"Oh, so you two are gay or something" she said with a look of disgust

"No, were not at all. Just two guys on a date that are boyfriends" Louis said giving her the same look of disgust

"Wow, you're just gay-" and before she could finish the sentence Louis sassed her with " You're just a whore, and we" pointing between him and Harry "Are out of here".

Harry was speechless. He could not comprehend how hot Louis was right now, not because he was mad, but because Louis was just so damn hot.

Louis tapped Harry's arm indicating Harry to stand, Harry got it and stood up. Both of them leaving Jennifer.

Once they got outside, Harry was quick to say "Thank you for that"

Louis replies with "Anytime"

"I know it probably made you uncomfortable" Harry said looking down towards the ground

"Uncomfortable?" Louis asked "Why would i be uncomfortable?" he smiled

"Ya know, calling me your boyfriend and stuff"
Harry said, still focused on the ground

"I would never be uncomfortable with that, i kinda liked it" Louis said looking at Harry

"Really? You did" Harry said looking back at Louis

"Yea, it felt kinda good" Louis smiled

"It did" Harry said

For the rest of the day Louis and Harry went bowling and to the cinema. They ate 2 pizzas and the bowling alley, where the bowled for for over three hours. After that, they went the the cinema to watch a new horror film, Louis wanted to see it really badly and so did Harry. Harry just didn't have anyone to go with so he could cling onto them the whole time, until now.

As the day went by, they started getting more and more comfortable with each other and stared flirting more and more, especially during the movie.

The movie was 2 hours and 30 minutes long. Throughout the first hour, Louis found himself just staring at Harry and admiring everything about him. When Louis wasn't staring at Harry, Harry was staring at Louis, admiring his nice cheekbones and wonderful floopy hair.

Okay, i'm gonna pick the next chapter up right where this one left off, i just don't want this to be sooo long because there's 1,200 word and umm that's long soooo yea, next chapter.


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