The Date pt 2

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^^^This is what i pictured Harry wearing to the "date"

i haven't wrote in like 3 days butttt i'm writing now because someone really wanted an update.

(me talking to that someone) i would @ you but i don't remember your @ anyways...thank you so much!! you're the first comment i've ever gotten and it made me feel so good to know that someone actually wants to read more. again, thank you so so so so so much!!

Louis and Harry were completely lost in each other, they hadn't focused on the movie for a second...they were so focused of each other that they didn't even remember what movie they were in. Neither one of them wanted to say anything about not remembering the movie, they just wanted to be there, just them, in their own little world.

Harry finally looked away from Louis and when he did, he realized there was no one else in the theater. He got kind of excited because he knew it was just him and Louis, and it had been like that for the past hour. Harry wanted something to happen between them so bad, but he had no clue if Louis liked him back.

Louis noticed that Harry wasn't looking at him anymore and he decided to look around the theater, he too noticed that they were all alone. Louis got a tingly feeling in his stomach when he realized they had been there alone this whole time.

They slowly found their way back to looking at each other, eyes locked. Louis was the first to speak

"We're here alone love." he said moving his hand on top of Harrys

At Louis' touch, Harry felt chills take over his whole body, he didn't say a word.

"Have you enjoyed our day?" Louis asked.

Harry was very quick to reply, "Yes, it's was amazing. I wouldn't have wanted to spend it with anyone else. Actually I could imagine spending the day with anyone else, today was perfect..."

By this time Louis had completely zoned out, he was just sitting there admiring the boy before him. Harry was so perfect, his long curly hair, his emerald green eyes, and his lips, oh my god, his lips. They were the perfect shade of pink, the perfect size, and absolutely perfect for kissing. All Louis could imagine was they first kiss, how truly perfect it would be. It would feel like there was no one else in the world, time would stop, and everything would be perfect. At this point Louis had no control over himself anymore and he completely cut Harry off, kissing his lips deeply. The kiss lasted for about 15 seconds before Harry slowly pulled away. Louis' thoughts were all right. Time stopped. It was only them. It truly was...perfect.

Sorry this is really short. oops.

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