Chapter Twelve

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"Oh, hello, Professor," said Edward coolly. "No, we're not surprised to see you here," he added when Quirrell stared at him. "We did suspect Professor Snape as well-"

"Ah, Severus," Quirrell snorted. "Yes, he does seem the type, doesn't he? Very helpful, swooping around like a great bat-"

"Don't interrupt me," Edward said, in a suddenly cold voice, and Quirrell blinked in surprise. "We suspected Professor Snape as well, because of several reasons, more logical things than him looking like a bat. First of all, he was heading towards the third floor corridor the night you let the troll in. Don't interrupt," he added when Quirrell opened his mouth to speak. "Secondly, the dog bit him, so we assumed he had been trying to get to the trapdoor. Thirdly, we heard him threatening you after Harry's match against Hufflepuff. But there were other possibilities: that he'd been trying to stop you from getting the stone and gotten bitten by Fluffy, and that he'd been warning you away that night."

"You are very clever," said Quirrell, sneering faintly. "It's so very bad that you didn't discover why I truly want the Stone-"

"Actually, we do," Harry interrupted. "You want it for Vol-"

"-You-Know-Who," Edward interjected. "Harry, his followers overreact when other people say his name, and I'd rather that you didn't get hurt."

"How?" Quirrell demanded.

"Pay attention to your task, Quirrell.... Ignore the boys...." a quiet, high voice sounded. Harry looked around with alarm, but Edward thought that it was coming from the turban wrapped around Quirrell's head.

The teacher jumped, paling. "Yes, Master." He shot Edward and Harry a cold look. "Be quiet while I examine this mirror."

Edward suddenly realized that Quirrell was standing in front of the Mirror of Erised. He realized that Dumbledore must be behind this defense, but what did the Mirror have to do with...?

"Oh, very clever, Professor Dumbledore," he said quietly.

"What?" Quirrell turned to him sharply. "You know how to work it?"

"No, that's just it." Edward gave him a cold look. "Professor Dumbledore is smart enough to outwit me."

"Well, you are a first-year student," Quirrell sneered.

Edward took a breath to calm himself. Hot, fiery anger had suddenly flared in his chest, and he didn't want to be angry; wizards made mistakes when they were angry.

"Edward beat your troll in two seconds!" Harry retorted. "Using seventh-year spells!"

"Fifth- and second-year, Harry," Edward corrected calmly. "And Professor Dumbledore has been impressed by my intelligence, Squirrel, so don't underestimate me."

"Squirrel!" Quirrell demanded with a snarl, whipping out his wand.

Good, he's mad.

"Quirrell, they attempt to make you angry... get me the Stone and ignore them...."

"Oh great. Another Legilimens. I really should learn Occlumency," Edward muttered.

"What?" Harry whispered confusedly.

Quirrell had turned back to the Mirror, so Edward replied quietly, "I'll explain later."

"I don't understand," Quirrell frowned. "Is it inside the mirror? Should I break it?"

"Of course you don't understand," Edward said loudly. "You wouldn't understand if a troll made it."

Quirrell shrieked and spun on him. But his scream didn't end, and he was collapsed, lashing around on the floor in obvious pain.

Marauders' Godson Book 1: Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now