Chapter 1 ~ Hailey

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I sighed, resting my chin on top of my hand as I leaned on my desk, staring at the clock that was situated above the teacher's desk. I internally cheered when the clock read less than five minutes left until the bell rang for lunch.

"Ms. Alexander, what do you think the main cause of World War Two was?" Mr. Bradshaw asked me and I sat up straighter. "Well sir," I quietly said before speaking a little bit louder, "I think the main cause of World War Two was Hitler."

I heard snickers from behind me but I continued on, "France and Britain warned him after he conquered Austria that if he invaded Poland that they would declare war on Germany." I trailed off before finishing. "So, yeah," I nodded slightly, "I say it was Hitler."

"Very impressive Ms. Alexander." Mr. Bradshaw smiled proudly at me. He was in his late twenties with black hair and light brown eyes. His skin was also tan.

"Boring!" someone from behind me called out, faking a yawn. "Mr. Murphy! I suggest you keep quiet unless you want to land yourself your tenth detention, within the last three days." 

Yep, I loved my teacher --NOT in that way!--


I let out a sigh of relief before closing my History book shut, packing up my pencils and other essentials before placing them neatly in my bag. I took longer putting my books in my bag because I wanted to be last.

When the last girl left after giving me a slight shove, I picked up my bag and slung it over one arm.  "Hey Hailey?" Mr. Bradshaw called and I turned around, giving my childhood friend a small smile, "Yeah?"

"Don't let them get to you." he told me and I nodded thankfully before heading out the door. One corridor and two lefts later, I arrived at my locker. I opened it and threw my bag in, taking out my iPhone 5.

I closed my locker, glancing around making sure nobody was around before unlocking my phone. I saw one missed call from Grayson and two text messages; one from Carrie and the other from Lloyd.

I opened them and swiftly scanned over them.

From Carrie;                                                                                                                                                            

Hey, Could you pick up some more soup after school, please? But we don't need that much because Gray's getting better:)

To Carrie;

Of course I will! And tell Gray I miss him.

From Lloyd;

Dang, been listening to Stay With Me by Sam Smith on repeat! Thanks for recommending it, sis!

To Lloyd;

You're welcome:) I love you, lil bro.

I locked my phone, scurrying to get outside to the gardens where some students have their lunch. I went over to the medium sized picnic table next to the big oak tree.

I slid in next in between my two best friends -- Isaiah Floyd and Aspen Brady. 

"What took you so long?" my younger sister Michaela asked me. "I was just texting back Carrie and Lloyd." I told her and she nodded, going back to helping our brother Cody with his math homework. "We have to go pick up some soup on our way back later, is that alright?" I asked my younger siblings and they all nodded.

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