Chapter 20 ~ Michaela (Alexander)

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"Do you think she'll come after you?" I asked Carson as I stared at the ceiling. He sighed,  "I don't know, baby."

We were in Carson's room with the door locked, while he laid vertically on the bed and I laid horizontally, my head on his tummy.  It had been two hours since Hailey and Hayden had left, and two hours since Carson and I admitted our feelings to each other.

"You're beautiful." Carson muttered, stroking my hair and I laughed,  "You've told me that five times in the past hour."

He just hummed and I closed my eyes, enjoying this.  "Come up here." He said and I opened my eyes, moving up so I could lie down next to him as he wrapped an arm around my waist just as his phone rang.

I laughed as he groaned, grabbing it.  "Hello?" He answered, placing his lips on my neck.  "Mhmm." He took his lips off my neck and sighed,  "Well then, bring Leah." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't care if you don't want to bring Leah, Laur. Just bring her." He sighed before licking his lips.  "Yeah, see you then. Bye." He ended the call and put his phone back on the dresser.  "Who was it?" I asked and he put his arm back around my waist, "My cousin Lauren."

I nodded as he brought his lips down to mine.  He bit my lip and I moaned, feeling him smile against my lips.  "Carson." I muttered, in between kisses, "Mhm?" He asked, moving his mouth down to my neck and opened his mouth, placing his teeth on my bare skin, nibbling and biting it.

"That tickles." I mumbled and he chuckled, placing a peck on the spot where he bit before kissing my forehead.  "Do you want to go to school tomorrow?" I asked and Carson shrugged, "Sure."

"Have you done all your homework?" I asked and he looked around the room, before his eyes landed back on me. "Nope." I opened my mouth and hit his chest lightly, "Carson!" He grinned cheekily at me as he got up and picked up his bag before going to sit down at his computer desk.

He opened up his laptop before zipping open his school bag and taking out his chemistry and history books, placing them on the desk also grabbing his big nerd glasses and putting them on. "You look cute in your glasses." I commented and he gave me a look before returning to his homework.


"Are you finished?" I moaned and Carson laughed, "You're very impatient." He commented and I rolled my eyes,  "No." I sarcastically drawled and he smirked.  "Patience, baby."

I pursed my lips, unlocking my iPhone, going into my huge music collection.  I put it on shuffle and skipped it twice before stopping and nodding my head to the beat of Maps by Maroon 5.

"The video doesn't relate to the song at all." Carson said, not looking up from his chemistry textbook, "I know right?" I asked.  I pulled up Twitter on my phone and took a picture of Carson, uploading it to Twitter.

" Bae Didn't Do His Homework:)  @CJames "

Carson's phone beeped and he picked it up, scanning through it and smiling.  I looked back at my phone and saw that he had re-tweeted it and tweeted something on his own page.

@CJames: Well, I Would've Finished My Homework , If The Most Beautiful Girl In The Whole Entire World WASN'T Sat On My Bed;)

"You think I'm the most beautiful girl?" I asked, my face slightly heating up.  "In the whole entire world." He grinned, his hand writing something in his textbook before he sighed, closing it.  "I'm finally finished." He announced dramatically.

 "Yes!" I exclaimed before we both burst out laughing.  "Can you sing me a song?" I asked and his eyes brightened as he grabbed his guitar and started to strum the chords to 5 Seconds Of Summer's Voodoo Doll.

"Well, I don't even like you. Why'd you want to go and make me feel this way?" He sang while I mouthed along.


Hey! Wassup?!   Sorry That This Chapter Was So Short. I Have NO Idea What Else To Write For Kayla's POV So, I'm Just Gonna Let You Imagine What Happens Next! <3

Thank You For Everyone Who's Reading.. Again S/O To @Maggie719 !

And.. I'm Going To Leave The Birthday S/O For The Next Chapter -- Which Hopefully Be Up In A Few Hours.. Depends On How Long It Is and If I Get All The Dishes Washed.

*Wink* Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!  (Buuuyeee) .. Now, WHICH One Of You Can Tell Me WHO Says That?<3


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