Chapter 6

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(9:00 AM)

As the next day began, Lana and Lillie woke up first. Mallow was still asleep from the day before and has hugging Ash in his sleep. Lana woke up Ash with a slight nose to nose tap. "Good morning sunshine." she said softly. She helped Ash break free from Mallow, who was still asleep. The three headed downstairs to have breakfast. "So, today were visiting Laverre City. I heard it's a absolutely beautiful place to visit." Lillie said in bliss. "Me too." Lana replied. While Ash was eating a plate full of waffles. Lana heard a voice from right behind her. "Lana. If you do that one more time, your next cast will on your arm!" It was Mallow, who was clearly not the happiest for what Lana did. "Ok ok chill out!" Lillie said defensively. "Well, before this gets ugly, we should head north to Laverre." Ash stated. "Wait... Laverre City? THAT Laverre city?!" Mallow asked in the most drastic change of tone. "Yeah!" Lillie replied. Mallow got so excited, she decided just to have a few donuts for breakfast. Once they finished eating, the group headed north from Lumiose to Route 14.

(Route 14.)

"Ok then... this route is a little freaky to say the least despite heading to a very precious city." Lana whimpered in slight fear. Mallow was spooked by the atmosphere and murky waters. Lillie rode on Ash's back as she didn't want to ruin her outfit which was typically all white. "Let's head to town quickly. Not even experience with this route can take the fear factor away." Ash stuttered. However, the four did encounter a very creepy house. Thankfully for their sanity, they decided to hold off on entering by finishing the trek to Laverre as quickly as possible.

(Laverre City.)

The girls fell in a pleasant aura as they entered the town. "Wow! This place is precious!" Mallow said for the first time since Route 14. She soon noticed a clothing store and led the other girls with her. "Hm... the girls are gone. I wonder if Valerie and the gym trainers remember me as well?" Ash thought to himself. Thinking nothing much of it, he stepped into the gym as to give the girls some time to themselves.

(Laverre City Gym)

The gym was just as beautiful as he remembered from his battle against Valerie. Ash walked through the gym in hopes to find somebody inside. Suddenly out of nowhere, a girl in a black dress greeted him very sweetly. "Hey! Aren't you that trainer that battled Valerie with Pikachu? I think your name was...was..." "Ash." he said finishing her sentence. "Oh yeah... Follow me, I'll get the rest of the girls." She said. Ash followed the girl in black to another room where three more girls awaited him. Their dresses were blue, pink, and white with slight variations for each one. "I guess we never introduced ourselves from last time." The black dress girl said to Ash. "My name is Kali. The girl in blue is Linnea, Blossom... yes that's her name, don't ask me why cause I don't know... is in pink, and finally, the one is white is named Katherine." The girls walked up to Ash hugging him on all sides. "So, do you want to see Valerie? She would be quite excited to see you again." Katherine asked. "Sure. Don't tell Clemont this but, she is my favorite gym leader." Ash whispered. Shortly afterwards, Blossom led him to Valerie, the other girls waved at him, smiling as they did. "Valerie! Somebody special is here!" Blossom called out. Valerie appeared before the two, dressed in the same dress as Ash recalled. "Why hello there sweetheart. You do remember me right?" She said softly to Ash. "Yep. sure do!" he replied. "You know, I never told you this but, I always had a special feeling for you. Somebody who was determined, couraged, and never likes to quit until it's over. Those are my favorite qualities in people. So I asked Lillie, who I believe is your friend to be in the fashion show I started with the girls, and all of you are on the same team with me as the leader. I hope you don't mind that little detail don't you?" Valerie asked sorrowfully. "No. Not at all. In fact, I wanted that to happen so Lillie wouldn't get scared." Ash said. "Awww.... Thank you Ash!" Valerie exclaimed happily. "Hey Ash! Sorry we're late. We just got back from the boutique and Mallow got sidetracked." A voice called from inside the gym. "We found some nice outfits for the... fashion... show." It was Lana, Mallow, and Lillie who were now standing in the presence of the Laverre City gym leader. "Are you Valerie?!" Lillie asked in excitement. "Yes I am dear. And I believe you are Lillie?" Valerie said back. Lillie nodded back. Lana and Mallow were in shock to see the vast beauty of the gym that they could barely talk at all.

(2:00 PM)

After a few hours of chatting about how things were going, Ash and the girls decided to leave for Lumiose to prepare for the big day. "Wait Ash!" Valerie called out. The other gym trainers were beside her. "Before you leave, can I give you my communications ID for your Rotom Dex? I want the girls and I to talk to you at anytime if we feel down about something." "Ash, you must be real friendly to have a gym leader ask you if they want to be able to call you." Mallow exclaimed in a flirty voice. Ash obliged and Valerie gave him her call ID. 'F4R1Y', it was short and simple enough to write down in his notepad. "Bye Ash!" The five girls called back to him and his girls. He waved back as the group headed back to Lumiose.

(Hotel Richissime Room 5-4. 4:00 PM)

Tonight, the four decided not to visit the pool just yet as they had picked out a ton of outfits for Lillie. "Tonight, Ash and I will be together." She said with a slight blush. Mallow just stared at her in jealousy. "Well, if you need us, we will be at the pool." Lana said to Ash and Lillie as she and Mallow headed downstairs. The two remaining children decided to use the hot tub to unwind. Ash started it up and Lillie joined in with a soft hug. "So Ash, after Mallow broke down on TV over her mother, you don't think that will happen to me right?" she asked softly. "Don't worry, I will be there for you. Just like how I was with Mallow." Ash said in understanding. Lillie giggled slightly and rested on Ash, taking it all in for ten minutes before deciding to turn in. Ash was getting tired himself, so he stepped out of the hot tub and got ready for bed.

(8:00 PM)

As Lillie and Ash were sleeping, Lana and Mallow decided to sneak in softly as to avoid waking them up and scaring them. They dried off and headed to bed themselves. They were able to place the bags of outfits they picked out in Laverre next to Lillie so she wouldn't forget them. Afterwards, the two turned in for the night themselves, and the moon shined a soothing light into the room, helping everybody sleep sound for the days ahead.

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