chapter 1 My past is your future

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Chapter 1. My past is your future


You continued down the street of a familiar neighborhood. You checked your phone and turned your headphones volume up to maximum as you continued walking. Why were you walking you ask? Well you wanted to get away from home. Let's just say your adoptive parents weren't the best kind of people.. At least at home.. See you have a pretty rich family as both of your parents are pro heroes. Phaser and Tempo. Phaser the phasing hero who can go through solid objects, your dad, and Tempo the electronic hero who can change the tempo of music she emits from her body to higher volumes, your mom. They are also known for their house parties that they throw as you live in a penthouse downtown.

But that's what they like when others aren't around. Dad's of course an alcoholic and my moms a prostitute to make extra money when my dad doesn't give any to her. So as you can see they also don't know how you got your quirk as your biological parents were quirkless but hey.. It's alright. They also throw you out a lot. :/ So that's why I'm walking. My mom brought home another man and they started fighting because he didn't want to leave. Then my dad got home. So I left. Maybe I should call child care one of these days? Nah I only got three years left.

After your little rant about how your parents are you finally started paying attention to make sure you weren't going anywhere unfamiliar. That's when you say it... huh.. Guess they rebuilt it.. Your old house..

*Flashback 10 years ago*

"Izuku! Come on you're so slow!" You yelled at your green headed friend.

"I'm sorry Y/N-Chan!" He breathed out in between his pants as he tried to keep up with your's and Katsukis speed.

Yea, you kept Izuku and Katsuki friends. Once Izuku did not manifest a quirk, Katsuki didn't want to hang out with him anymore. So he tried to get you to stay away from him as he was ruining both of yours greatness. But you convinced Katsuki to stay by saying you'd prefer to stay with Izuku. So I bet he's gonna stay around for a little while longer. >*^*>

But as of right now you three were running towards a villian. Why? Because you guys were so sure that All Might was going to show up. There was already a crowd of people and a few pro heroes. But from what you could see it was Endeavor and some... other people ;-;

Also by the looks of it the fight was happening near your house. 'I hope Mom and dad are okay'.

Once you finally made it to the scene you stopped to catch your breath.

"Come On! Hurry up we need to see what's happening!" Katsuki yelled at the two shorter kids with a scowl on his face.

By the looks of it, it seemed to be some sort of fire. Near your house... That's not a good sign.. You sped up your pace that surpassed Katsukis which he did not like. Once you made it to the sight realization struck you. You stopped and forgot how to breathe... you couldn't..

"MOM! DAD!" You screamed out as you tried to run into the burning building. But you were stopped by a hero who held you back from running inside. All you could do was sob as you watched heros take out the fire and arrest a small group of villains. Once the fighting and crowd left a man came up to you and informed you that your parents were dead. You sobbed. You couldn't stop crying. Katsuki and Izuku's moms had already come by and took them home.

"Ms. L/N? We will be taking you to the Midoriya household for the next few days as we find a suitable place for you to call home."

You weren't paying attention to the hero's words. All you could do was nod and blankly stare at the ground. The hero brought you to his car and dropped you off at Izukus house. He and his mom were already outside waiting.

"Y/N-Chan!" You could hear Izuku scream as he ran up to hug you. You latched onto him and collapsed to the ground. You couldn't hold in your tears anymore. You just couldn't. Eventually you passed out still hugging Izuku. Later on you learned that Inko had brought you inside and laid you in Izukus room considering you've always slept together at sleepovers and there were no spare rooms.

But the next few days did not go by quickly at Izukus. You wouldn't dare to leave the room or open the blinds or take your eyes off the wall. Until the fourth day when Katsuki came to visit. He walked into the room with Izuku to see you blankly staring at the wall. All Katsuki could think about was "Where did the happy little girl go?"

"Hey Chisana! Look at me!" Katsuki yelled at you as he forcefully turned you to look at you. Which he instantly regretted because he was met with tear stained eyes and red cheeks. A look of regret crossed his face as he let you go and turned to walk away.

"Bye... Y/N..."

He didn't spare you a glance or even look at Izuku as he left. But once Izuku realized he was gone he rushed over to your side and gently took your hands in his.

"A-are yo-you okay Y/N-Chan?!" Izuku squeaked out as he looked into your dull eyes. You gently smiled and nodded your head and told him you just needed to rest.

He gave off a small nod and left the room. Your smile faltered once he shut the door. You layed yourself back down onto the bed and store back into space. All you could think about was that tomorrow you are going to be put in a home tomorrow as the police force have found replacements for you. You didn't realize it until you felt something wet hit your hand. You... were crying... You curled yourself up into a ball and quietly cried trying to make sure no one could hear you.

The next day you were forced out of the room and were currently holding Izukus hand while being faced by, surprisingly, two famous pro heroes. Phaser and Tempo. You would think it was cool at first. But reality struck as you realized you were going to be taken to a new unfamiliar place with two strangers.

You weren't listening to their conversations as you focused your line of sight on the ground, trying to hold in the tears till you were alone. But once it was time to go you turned and bid your friend farewell while giving him one last hug. As you'd probably never see him again. You were brought to a fancy looking car and a butler opened the passenger door for you and your parents to step into. You honestly couldn't believe you were going home with such classy people. As why would they want you?

But as you later learned they couldn't bear children so they sought out adoption and found you. But other than that I guess life with them was good for the most part. You warmed up to them after two weeks and eventually about six months later you started allowing them to hug you. For the next seven years... but when it got to the eight year they just got tired of you. And as I already explained they turned into a chaotic mess. How I wish I could have burned down in that fire along with my parents....

But If it wasn't for Izuku and Katsuki... I wouldn't be here today... You smiled at the thought of the two boys and continued on your way down the path. You didnt give your newly built house a second thought as you continued down the path.

Author'sNote! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to do much of the story! I've been trying to finish editing all of these and adding extra touches here and there . I'm just trying to get the storyline to stay the same except a bit more exciting and detailed. As I've said before my writing style has changed quite a lot and I'm trying to incorporate that into the story line. But other than that Coronavirus has taken a toll on me as my city has been put in quarantine. So I have actually found time to sit down and write this story. So I have been grateful and non grateful. As I feel a bit cooped up in my own household. But other than such I hope you all are safe and are being careful! I hope to post the next one soon!


Chisana - Tiny

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