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Harry POV

I was totally aware that inviting one of my students at my place was crossing a line I shouldn't never have crossed but I was worried about the kid.

I knew how it felt to have no one to rely on. I knew it way to well. By the time we got to my flat, Luke was asleep in his safety seat and Zayn was quietly humming to the sound of music on the radio.

I kept taking side glaces, hoping I didn't make things too awkward by touching his hand earlier. I was trying to be reassuring but I probably just end up looking like a pedophile.

But the thing is...Zayn was nothing close to a kid. He was smoking weed, he had a thick beard and had the body of a grown up man. A thin grown up man, but still.

I can tell something is off about him.

- We're here.

I stated, parking in front of the old building. I sighed, wishing I could show off more to Zayn. It felt like my situation was making me lose my credibility in front of him.

He stepped out and waited for me to take Luke from the back seat, then followed me through the hall way to the stairs.

- It's third floor, the door on your right.

Once we got upstairs, I unlocked my door letting him in the small appartment. I mentally face palmed myself thinking for the dirty dishes I left behind this morning.

- It's cozy.

Zayn said sitting in the couch with his shoes on like he was home. He was seriously lacking manners.

- I'm sorry you came for nothing, Luke is asleep.

I apologized, seeing the tail of my dog wiggling beside him.

- Didn't came just for Luke.

- Alright then. That's Batman. My one year old labrador.

I answered not exactly sure of what he meant. He laughed softly at the dog's name and cuddled the puppy closer. It was cute to look at them. I shook my head, trying to remember that Zayn was one of my students and thinking about him being cute was highly defended.

- Why Batman? Luke's idea?

- Of course.

- How come a teacher like you is living here? Teachers are well paid, no?

I didn't want to talk about that with him. It was very personnal information, but at the same time, something was telling me that Zayn was craving those little moments where I was telling him personnal stuff. Like he saw me more like a friend in those moments than like. a teacher. Ok maybe not a friend, but someone he could maybe trust eventually.

- We had to move quickly, I left everything we had behind.

- Why? Does it have something to do with Luke's mother?

He asked quickly.

- No... no. Luke is adopted. My last partner and I adopted him three years ago.

- Where is that partner now?

- Behind. 

I answered truthfully. My heart was heavy thinking about the recent events. 

- I'll prepare the pasta.

I said sadly.

- You know what? You were kind enough to invite me over, I could cook for you and Luke... if you let me.

- Can you even cook or you plan on burning the place down?

- Mr. Style, please sit, drink a glass of wine and let me cook for you....Seriously Harry, I want to do this.

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