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Zayn POV

I knew that sooner or later I would have to text Liam and let him know that I was alive. I felt bad for leading him on but the more time I spent with Harry, the most I could tell that Liam was nothing more than a friend to me.

With Harry it was different, there was an undeniable attraction, like an unknown force pushing us toward each others.

Harry gave me blankets and a pillow to sleep on the couch but I had a very hard time falling asleep. I was constantly thinking about what the man did the day before and the more I thought about it, the more I didn't want to go back home, like ever.

I was alright here. I was safe and Harry was here. Strangely, we didn't know each other for a long time but nothing felt like home like being here with Harry and Luke in a very very long time.

I decided to go and see if Harry was asleep. The flat was quite small so I tiptoed to his bedroom as quietly as it was humanly possible before cracking the door open.

To my surprise he was awake. He had his arm behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

- Zayn? Do you need anything.

- Ugh... no. I couldn't sleep that's all...

- Well we're two.

- Want some company?

I tried, thinking that Harry would never let me stay in his room for the night but surprisingly he nodded, moving the duvet beside him away. I joined him keeping a fair distance between our bodies.

- What were you thinking about?

- Can I ask you something Zayn? And I want the truth, not a lie.

- What do you want to know?

- Is there something between you and Liam.

I hesitated a moment, but I finally gave up, there was no point in lying to him.

- He kissed me.

- And... how do you feel about that?

- I don't know. I think I was curious about ... you know ...kissing another guy. But it was weird.... because it was him you know. He is my bestfriend. I don't think I like him that way.

- Because he is a boy or...

- Because he is like a brother to me. I ... think I'm gay. I just don't want to hurt his feelings.

I never thought I would tell those words to anyone.

- Is he the one who hurt you?

- What? Liam couldn't even hurt a fly even if he want to. No, no Liam never ever hurt me. He is always there to help....My turn... Why did you adopted a kid with a guy who was abusing you?

- Because he wasn't always like that. We were together for a while when I decided to adopt Luke. Jason was still a good boyfriend with a good job. But two months after we signed the final papers for Luke, he lost his job. Then he start blaming me for having three mouth to feed. He also start drinking. One night, he went to a bar with one of his friends, they came back completely out of it. They start kissing and touching right in front of our flat. When he came in, I confronted him. He put the blame on me saying that it was my fault. That since Luke was there, I wasn't giving him the attention he deserved if you see what I mean. His little game went on everynight after that. I tried so hard to be a good boyfriend, I even closed my eyes for a while on his cheating, hoping it would get better, hoping he would fall back in love with me and we could be a family but I was dellusionnal... I caught him after work in bed with another man. In my own bed. So I told him that we were over. That I couldn't stay here with Luke anymore, that's when things got very bad.

He took a pause. I knew that sharing that with me was not easy so I took his hand in mine, trying to comfort him while he did.

- He beat me up that night. Luke was in his bedroom and heard everything. From the way he pushed me against the walls like a rag doll to the moment he kicked me in the ribs yelling that I was his and that leaving wasn't an option. The next morning, I had flowers waiting for me on the kitchen table. He made us breakfast and said that he was sorry at least ten thousand times. So I did what I thought was the best for my kid. Stay. I know I shouldn't have but I did. I didn't love him anymore but I was scared of him. He told me clearly more than once that leaving him would be the death of me and that he would make me watch as he torture Luke before killing him before my eyes.

- I'm sorry Harry.

- It's not your fault. Jason is a psychopath. I just don't want Luke to get hurt.

I could see tears falling on his face from the dimmed light of the room. Those green eyes didn't deserve so much pain. They deserved the best. As my mind was refusing to admit the the man beside me was in fact my teacher, I moved closer to him, extending my arms to hug him. That's when I felt it. This was something real, this was something right. It was like Harry belong there, in my arms. He tried to get away but I kept him still before crashing my lips into his. I kissed him like tomorrow didn't exist. I could tell that he was shocked but he kissed back almost immediately forgetting about the consequences of what we were doing. His lips were so sweet and soft. He let me take control as my tongue find it's way into his mouth. We kissed until we were out of breath. The feeling of love inviding my thoughts and my heart for the first time in my life. When we parted he kept his forehead to mine, trying to catch his breath.

-  We should sleep. Luke will wake up early tomorrow.

- Can I sleep here with you?

He nodded and turned off the light before getting under the covers, his back to me. I got closer, holding him in my arms, our bodies matching perfectly together. I slept like a baby that night, holding the most amazing man in the world  in my arms.

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