4 Mermaids/Sirens

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Did you know that we know more about space, than we do about the ocean floor?

And because we don't know a lot, we also don't know about the mermaids and sirens.Here's the deal.
Mermaids are created by dying out at see by accident, like during a storm or a pirate made you walk the plank or you died at sea and a war was going on and you were in the cross fie.
But to be able to turn, you have to die while in the water and, if you have a strong enough will to live you will turn, and then BOOM mermaid.

But, if you have a strong will to live and are vengeful because of that one pirate, or angry at the country's at war,you will turn into a siren. A creature that lures men to their death.

Hey! This one can be a short story or even a full on book so do whatever with it!
Again, if you want to use one of my prompts go ahead but be sure to tag me so I can read it.

Thanks for reading!
Stay Weird✌

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