13 X-Men/Marvel

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Angela Reeves. No matter where she went, you would notice her.

Not because she's load or obnoxious; but because for the last 5 years of her life she been in a wheel chair.

Angela gets the question of "What happened?" a lot.
"Were you in a car accident?" is the most popular.
"No, it wasnt car accident just bad luck" And then she would go on and explain that when she was 14, one day when she woke up it felt like her back was on fire. Specificly her upper spine area. Her parents, upon finding their daughter crying in her bed unable to get up, took her to the hospitle.

They did a cat scan and found her upper spine was trying to grow extra bones for her back. (That she obviously didnt need) About a month later they did surgery and grinded down the new bones. After the surgery they thought everything would be fine. But if it things did go back to normal, than there woulnt be a story.

About a year later the same thing happened.
Cat scan.
New bones.
This time though, it lasted for more than a year. Giving her 5 years of no more new bones. The docters, not knowing if her spine would try again to make more bones, told her if her stared hurt go to hospital immediately. But with the damage her own body did she wouldn't be able to walk even though she could feel her legs, she was confined to a wheel chair.

Surpiseingly, Angela took it pretty well. She didnt let it weigh her down and went on with her life.
She graduated for high school and soon soon moved to Portland, Oregon where she got a job as a receptionist at a Veterinary Clinic after much fussing with her parents that Montana is that far from Oregan, promising them she would be alright on her own.

Now that bring us to the present.
Angela Reeves has now been living comfortably in her new apartment for about 10 months now. And the entire time since she lived there has been working 5 days a week, 9am-5pm. And she liked it this way; she had her systm.
Wake up at 7:30 spend around 5-10min wiggleing her way into some clothes, and then her wheel chair with out causeing her back the scream in pain. First off, her back wasnt supposed to be in pain like this every time she moved from her chair to a different spot. She didnt want to bother the doctors "Besisdes it dosent hurt that bad" she would tell herself. And good thing too or else we wouldn't have a story.

Next she would take a damp washcloth and give herself a sponge bath. Next was breakfest.
Then rolling her self out the door, 3 blocks away to the get for work rain or shine; in the off chance there was show she'd call a bus.
Dont sorry, on Wednesdays and sundays she takes a real bath.

But today, her back desided to give her hell.

YO! How y'all doin' ?
The idea for this one is she's a late bloomer mutant in the X-Men/Marvel world.
Told you I would post whenever I feel like it lol.
Anyways, if you use any of my prompts and be sure to tag me if you use any of these ideas! Thank you!

Thanks for reading!
Stay Weird ✌

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