7 Best Friends

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Skylar and Grace had been friends since the 4th grade and are now enduring sophomore year together.

Skylar has always been the more adventurous and loud one, while Grace is more resurved and quiet.

The Friday before school started, Skylar convinced Grace to go and have fun. They get there and it's actually not that bad. Grace is having fun, she finds some other introverts who were "dragged" to the party with their friends and she's feeling over all great!

Until they bring out the alcohol.

Grace gets worried and asks Skylar if they can leave. And Skylar, being the good friend she is, agrees to go.

They go outside to skylar's motorcycle, straps on their helmets and go. Half way home, they have to stop at a stoplight. They wait, like the good citizens they are, and when the light turns green they go. But that truck was coming too fast for Skylar to notice, and Skylar and Grace got hit.

Skylar wakes up three days later on a hospital bed with a concussion and a broken arm.
But she finds out Grace wasn't that lucky. The docters dont know how it happened. She was wearing a helmet just like Skylar was.

Grace also had a broken arm and a concussion, but she also now had amnesia.

Will Grace ever get her memories back? Will she remember her friend Skylar and all their memories they've had together?

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please comment if you see any grammatical errors or anything I can improve on!

And as always
Stay weird

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