9 Doors

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Doors. Everyone knows what a door is. It keeps two rooms separate and gives you privacy.

Now, imagine Doors in every universe, giving people the power to go to different universes whenever and wherever they want.

This could be good, people able to go and explore and help each other, but there will always be one who wants to take over everything Everywhere.

That one person was Declan Bower.
Declan comes from universe 3227, our universe. He was the one to discover our door, and what it did, all the way back in 1909 while swimming in the Great Barrier Reef.

But he was not the first to use it.
For centuries other worlds had been sending permanent travelers to go and learn all thay can and send reports about what that had learned. And if that planet became hostile they would close off the door.
And in order to do that, they had to stay on the world that were on.

He was a good man, Declan. He helped the Australian government learn more about the door and was one of the men on the first official team to go through.

But trip after trip, he learned more and more about other worlds technology. He made a plan to rule each and every universe, for he had all ways felt powerless.
He presented this plan to the Australian government but when they saw how evil and greedy he had become they locked him away on planet 3024, a world that many other worlds used as a prison.

After this happened we sent a message to every universe we had learned about and warned them, that a case like Declan could happed again, and could be worse. So they all decided to hide or disguise their doors. The one in the Great Barrier Reef for example, the Australian government said it was too toxic to swim in for humans.
And for some reason people listened.

Oh, and ever wondered how writers have such a great imagination? Well, they don't.
Many writers and movie directors are actually from the different worlds, just publishing their world history.

So books like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Eragon, Hunger Games, Marvel, DC, and many many more.

But one day (name) was on vacation in Australia swimming in the Great Barrier Reef. While roaming away from the group (Which the instructor sternly told them not to do) (name) finds an old, rusted door closet shut in one of the many tunnels.

(Name) decides to open it and go through the whole tunnel so she/he don't have to turn back (cause they are are lazy like that).

And thats where (name)'s adventure begins.

Hey! Thanks for reading!
And as always
Stay weird

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