8 Monsters

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Have you ever been afraid of monsters under your bed? Or maybe in your closet?
Well you don't have to worry as long as you don't annoy them, or be rude. But they're are there to scare you because... well...They are monsters!

But they actually only scare kids 11-18 INTO adulthood. I know, I know. It's not nice and it's also not an easy job for them, but if they didn't then everyone would be childish and nothing would EVER get done.

So, technically you should be thanking them. And yeah, some adults are childish, but that's because they were never really afraid of monsters Their parents always said
"It's all in your imagination."

There are people that actually befriended their monster and have a great relationship.

And thats where (name) comes in.
(Name) has always been the loner and a realtist and she's only 14.
Her monster was actually sent to her, not to scare her into adulthood, but to scare fun into her.

Where will this adventure take (name), and what kind of trouble will she run into?

Thanks for reading!
And as always
Stay weird

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