12 Powers

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There is a world where everything is exactly like ours, except one thing.
Out of the billions and billions of people in earth there are 12 people who have 1 power.
Those powers are:

Super Speed
Time manipulation
Super Strength
Mind control
Shape shifting
And Super Intelligence.

At the beginning of time these powers chose a person to latch onto to live. In return that person could do whatever they wanted. And when that person starts to grow old they choose another person, preferably younger, to pass on their power. Now the person has 2 options of how to pass the power on.

1. Before they die they can pass on the power and experience time with out the power and teach the person they decided to pass it on to.
2. They can mark the person, and when they die the power passes on.

One day in the 2000s a scientist(who I will be calling Bob so it doesn't get confuseing), found the person who had Super Intelligence (Steve) and wanted to find a way to have even 1/3 of what steve had. So they came to an agreement, that Bob could do test on the Steve but NO experiments.
After weeks and weeks of begging, bob finally convinced him to do one experiment. So, while connecting wires to each other's brains something went wrong. An explosion happened, after the smoke cleared, and cleaned up, they went home and decided to take a couple weeks off.

Over the corse of a week Bob went mad(crazy) ,because of an an electrical shock that happened during the explosion, and decided that Steve didn't deserve their power. So Bob went on to become a super villain.

Fights happened blah blah blah blah blah policeman never catches him whatever. Point is Bob is a supervillain now.

This is basically a story about an early adult finding one of the people that has powers and has to get ready for the powers to be passed on but doesn't want them but when they do get them they feel responsibility, and also I'm too lazy to write anymore lol

Thanks for reading!
And as always
Stay weird

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